
按我中小学课程改革的设想,小学到高中共8级英语,第8级词汇量将达到什么水平?-大学英语4级, 下坡高速滑雪赛中采用的滑雪杖是:-弯曲的, 世界上的风车之是指:-荷兰, 娃娃鱼是指:-大鲵, 最早的印玺,是盖在什么上面的?-印泥, 际法院设在哪个?-荷兰, 可以全面确切地反映全社会经济活动的最终成果,是民经济统计核心的指标是:-内生产总值, 王水(盐酸和硝酸的混合物)可以溶解金,请问王水能溶解钻石吗?-不能, 海豹在潜水时是:-先吐一口气, 人们通常所说的秀才是明、清两代通过哪种科举考试选拔出来的?-由各省学政主持的院试, 码头一般建在河流的:-凹岸, 许多人都喜欢到低于海平面410公尺的死海去做日光浴是因为:-紫外线最弱, 大雁塔在哪里?

-21, 程门立雪这个典故讲的宋朝的杨时,为了见名士程颐而在他家门前冒雪等待的故事,那么杨时-拜访, 美术片《葫芦兄弟》中的四娃是火娃还是水娃?-火娃, 清朝编写的中历史上规模最大的《四库全书》先后誊缮了几部?-7, 企鹅是一种:-卵生动物, 我第一大岛是:-台湾岛, 黄山在我的什么省份?-安徽, 老三届指的是那几年毕业的初、高中毕业生?-1966--1968, 京剧中双手食指合并比齐的手势表示:-夫妻,男女相配或两种东西相同, 味精的主要成分是什么?-谷氨酸钠, 下面两种扫描仪的感光器件中谁的清晰度和色彩还原度好?-CCD, 给小孩补充赖氨酸将它搀在下列哪种食品中比较好?-大米饭, 吃太多手摇爆米花机爆出的米花会导致:-铅中毒, 公元618-907年,是我古代的哪个朝代?

-羊, 经过哪一法定程序后,婚姻关系才被法律所承认-结婚登记, 许海峰在男子什么比赛项目中夺得中首枚奥运会金牌?-自选手枪, 海水能发电吗?-能, 声音在哪里的传播速度最快?-水中, 狮子尾巴又粗又长,它的主要功能是用来:-奔跑时维持平衡, 货运汽车挂车:-不准载人, 下面哪个城市有北春城之称?-长春, 最不耐酸的织品是什么织品?-棉织品, 义务教育可分为几个阶段?-2个, 小强刚满16岁就以劳动为生,他具有哪种行为能力?-完全民事行为能力, 破除满汉不通婚这个祖训的是:-乾隆, 在太空中白天能看到星星吗?-能, 《窦娥冤》的作者是:-关汉卿, 人们在制作饼干、面包时常往里面掺进一些:-小苏打, 以下哪一项不属于种子植物?

-古筝, 被人们称为足球恺撒大帝的是:-贝肯鲍尔, 若买受人未按照约定支付价款,且再行拍卖的价款低于原拍卖价款的应由-原买受人补足差额, 人类最古老的绘画形式是:-壁画,


发布时间:2017-06-18 18:40:352015年6月英语四级听力文本第二套Section AA) He is pleased to sit on the committeeB) He is willing to offer the woman a handC) He will tell the woman his decision laterD) He would like to become a club memberA) Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpricedB) They should borrow a guide book instead of buying oneC ) The guide books in the library have the latest informationD) The library can help order guide books about VancouverA) He regrets having taken the history courseB) He finds little interests in history booksC) He has trouble finishing his reading assignmentsD) He has difficulty in writing the weekly book reportA) The man had better choose another restaurantB) The new restaurant is a perfect place for datingC) The new restaurant caught her fancy immediatelyD) The man has good taste in choosing the restaurantA) He has been looking forward to spingB) He has been waiting for the winter saleC) He will clean the woman s boots for springD) He will help the woman put things awayA) At a tailor sB) At Bob s homeC) In a cloth storeD) In a theatreA) His guests favors Tibetan drinksB) His water is quite extraordinaryC) Mineral water is good for healthD) Plain water will serve the purposeA) Report the result of a discussionB) Raise some environmental issuesC) Submit an important documentationD) Revise an environmental reportQuestions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) They pollute the soil used to cover themB) They are harmful to nearby neighborhoodsC) The rubbish in them takes long to dissolveD) The gas they emit is extremely poisonousA) Growing populationsB) Packaging materialsC) Changed eating habitsD) Lower production costA) By saving energyB) By using less aluminumC) By reducing poisonous wastesD) By making the most of materialsA) We are running out of natural resources soonB) Only combined efforts can make a differenceC) The waste problem will eventually hurt all of usD) All of us can actually benefit from recyclingQuestions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) MiamiB) VancouverC) BellinghamD) BostonA) To get information on one-way tickets to CanadaB) To inquire about the price of Super saver seatsC) To get advice on how to fly as cheaply as possibleD) To inquire about the shortest route to drive homeA) Join a tourist groupB) Choose a major airlineC) Avoid trips in public holidaysD) Book tickets as early as possibleSection BPassage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) There are mysterious stories behind his worksB) There are many misunderstandings about himC) His works have no match worldwided) His personal history is little knownA) He moved to Stratford-on-Avon in his childhoodB) He failed to go beyond grammar schoolC) He was a member of the town councilD) He once worked in a well-know acting companyA) Writers of his time had no means to protect their worksB) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fireC) His works were adapted beyond recognitionD) People of his time had little interest in himPassage TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.A) It shows you have been ignoring your healthB) It can seriously affect your thinking processC) It is an early warning of some illnessD) It is a symptom of two much pressureA) Reduce our workloadB) Control our temperC) Use painkillers for reliefD) Avoid masking symptomA) Lying down and having some sleepB) Rubbing and pressing one s backC) Going out for a walkD) Listening to light musicPassage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.A) Depending heavily on loansB) Having no budget plans at allC). Spending beyond one s meansD). Leaving no room for large billsA) Many of them can be cutB) All of them have to be coveredC) Their payment cannot be delayedD) They eat up most of the family incomeA) Rent a house instead of buying oneB) Discuss the problem in the familyC) Make a conversation planD) Move to a cheaper placeA) Financial issues plaguing a familyB) Difficulty in making both ends meetC) Family budget problems and solutionsD) New ways to boost family incomeSection CPerhaps because going to college is so much a part of the American dream, many people go for no(26)_____reason. Some go because their parents ecpect it, others because it s what their friends are doing.Then, there s the belief that a college degree will(27)____ensure a good job and high pay.Some students (28)____ through for years ,attending classes, or skipping(逃课) them as the case may be, reading only what can t be avoided, looking for less(29)_____courses,and never being touched or changed in any important way. For a few of these people, college provides no(30)____,yet because of parental or peer pressure, they cannot voluntarily leave. They stop trying in the hope that their teachers will make the decision for them by(31)____ them.To put it bluntly(直截了当地),unless you re willing to make your college years count, you might be(32)_____ doing something else. Not everyone should attend college, nor should everyone who does attend begin right after high school. Many college students(33)_____ taking a year or so off. A year out in the world helps some people to(34)_____their priorities and goals. If you re really going to get something out of going to college, you have to make it mean something, and to do that you must have some idea why you re there, what you hope to get out of it, and (35)_____even what you hope to become.19.c.23.a.24.d.26. particular27. automatically28. drift29. demanding30. satisfaction31. failing32. better off33. profit from34. sort out35. probably


发布时间:2019-04-28 11:43:281.语言的障碍2.文化背景知识的障碍因为文化背景知识是阅读的无形障碍。由于不了解英语国家的文化背景,因此有时很难做出判断。所以多做泛读的训练将有所帮助。3.阅读技巧的障碍