
一、单项选择题(下列各题的备选答案中,只有一项是最符合题意的,请把这个答案选出。)1.2014年7月7日是 七七事变 ( )周年纪念日。A.80B.77C.78D.792.我国最年轻的地级市是( )。A.克拉玛依市B.白银市C.日喀则市D.三沙市3.2014年第九号台风 威马逊 ,于7月18日15时30分在( )沿海登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风速达60米秒。A.海南文昌B.福建泉州C.浙江舟山D.广西北海


解放军文职招聘考试2014年12月英语四级听力真题第二套(试题+原文+答案)发布时间:2017-06-18 18:30:342014年12月英语四级听力真题第二套(试题+原文+答案)Section AA) He was ordered to clear the apartment by his mother last time.B) He has not cleared the apartment since his mother s visit.C) He has cleared the apartment several times since his mother s visiting.D) He asked his mother to clear the apartment last time.A) They might as well catch the coming bus.B) They will also miss the next bus.C) They might as well take the next bus.D) They hurry up to catch the coming bus.A) She asked for a sick leave because of neck pain.B) Mrs. Smith will take over her work for several days.C) She has to do extra work for a few days.D) Mrs. Smith was too busy to take over her work.A) Change her job.B) Sell her cafeteria.C) Plant flowers.D) Wash dishes.A) He remembered to take the package to the post office.B) He was told to have something wrong with his mind.C) He is a deliver man working in the post office.D) He failed to do what he promised to do.A) The woman has a rule to select horror films.B) The woman does not like horror films.C) The woman cares much for horror films.D) The woman like the film the man mentioned.A) The speakers disagree with each other about love.B) Love in the woman s eye is happy and sweet.C) The speakers share a common view on love.D) Love hurts the man from time to time.A) Preparations for a forum.B) Preparations for an interview.C) Preparations for a banquet.D) Preparations for making chairs.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) England.B) Scandinavia.C) South America.D) Scotland.A) More women will stay at home.B) More women will run for higher posts.C) Marriages will be abolished.D) More women will work outside the family.A) Spending more time improving women s income.B) Spending more time changing men s attitudes.C) Spending more time improving marriage quality.D) Spend more time changing women s attitudes.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) In a restaurant.B) In a meeting room.C) In an office.D) In a factory.A) He is a salesman of J.R. Motors.B) He is the boss of the restaurant.C) He is the Managing Director of J.R. Motors.D) He is the managing director of the big factory.A) To get a good export agent.B) To expand the factory.C) To get a good import agent.D) To design a new product.A) His family background.B) His reputation.C) His designing talent.D) His determination.Section BPassage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) How being an identical twin influences one s identity.B) How twins are born and have the same identity.C) Why many identical twins make different choices.D) Why many identical twins don t live near each other.A) They didn t meet each other for 4 months.B) They grew up in different surroundings.C) They were separated when they are 39 years old.D) They all have two wives and two daughters.A) They want to find out the relationship between environment and biology.B) They want to find out the connection between hobby and personalities.C) They want to find out the connection between surroundings and personality characteristics.D) They want to find out the connection between communication and talents.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.A) It isn t one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday.B) It is the most comfortable ways of spending a holiday.C) It is the most popular ways of having a holiday.D) It is an inexpensive way of spending a holiday.A) It is the frame tent for two people.B) It consists of an inner and an outer tent.C) It is the kind of the outer tent with a ground sheet.D) It is comfortable with windows, kitchens and sitting rooms.A) A ground sheet.B) A bedroom extension.C) A kitchen extension.D) A water-proof sheet.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.A) It covers 179 square miles.B) It is larger than New York City.C) It is located between France and Italy.D) It only covers 197 square miles.A) Travelers were easy to reach the country.B) The living way of the people changed quickly.C) It has a small number of farmer population.D) It was cut off from the rest of the world.A) The investment of tourism from its neighboring countries.B) The lowest import fees for tourists cheapest shopping.C) The building of roads connecting it with neighboring countries.D) The permission to visit so many ancient buildings.A) They work in foreign business.B) They work in the tourist industry.C) They farm and raise sheep.D) They work in transportation industry.Section CDon t take many English courses, they won t help you get a decent job. Sign up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound __26__? Many of us have heard suggestions like these __27__ by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then? Should suggestions like these be taken with __28__? The reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must 29 their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. Decisions you make after you ve considered various __30__ and chosen the path that suits you best. Making your own decisions does not mean that you should __31__ the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having __32__ in a great deal of your personal history. They may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate. They may still see you as a child __33__ caring and protection. Or they may see only your strength, or in some unfortunate cases they may __34__ only your flaws and shortcomings. People will always be giving your advice, ultimately though, you have to make your own __35__.Woman: When was the last time you dusted the apartment?Man: When was the last time my mother came over?Question: What does the man imply?Woman: Hurry up Mark, there s a bus coming now.Man: Why run? There ll be another one in 2 or 3 minutes.Question: What does the man mean?Man: Laura, it seems that you are up to your neck in work, how come you ve been so busy?Woman: Ms Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.Question: What do we learn about the woman?Woman: Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring.Man: Why don t you quit and deliver the flowers with me?Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?Woman: Rod, you said you d take this package to the post office yesterday.Man: Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind.Question: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?Man: I m not surprised that you didn t like that movie. I find it really scary myself.Woman: So did I. I don t care much for horror movies as a rule.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?Man: My life experience tells me that love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too.Woman: Your words remind me of the saying honey is sweet but the bee stings.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?Man: How many more chairs should I bring in for the forum, six or seven?Woman: Bring in all you can find. I m expecting at least 20 participants.Question: What are the speakers talking about?Conversation 1Man: Do you think there s discrimination against women in England today?Woman: Certainly, and not just in education and work either, in many other fields as well. The tax situation for women is very unfair, for example.Man: Are women better off in other countries then?Woman: It depends on the country. There s certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too.Man: Do you think the position of English women will improve?Woman: In some ways it will of course. I m sure more women will go out to work in the next 20 years. But the women have a much greater problem than this to solve.Man: What s that?Women: The problem of men s attitudes. We can earn more money in the future, but I m not sure we can change men attitudes. You see, most men really think that women are inferior. Maybe we are physically weaker, but I don t think this means we are inferior. Then there s another problem.Man: Yes?Women: The problem of women s attitudes. Lots of women are unhappy with their present situation, but most of them probably don t want to fight for change. It could be that the women s liberation movement has to spend more time changing women s attitudes than it spends in changing men s.Man: One last question, some supporters of the woman s liberation movement believed that marriages should be abolished. You agree?Women: No, I don t. It can t happen. What may and should happen is that we teach men to spend more time looking after children and doing housework.9. Where are women said to be less discriminated against?10. What will happen in England in 20 years according to the conversation?11. What does the woman think the women s liberation movement should do?Conversation 2Man: Cheers, ShirleyWomen: Cheers, Paul. What a lovely place for a business lunch. I hope I can concentrate in this heat.Man: I will sure you will when I tell you about my ideas.Woman: You know, I must say I was pleased to hear from you, but from what you said on the phone, everything is so sudden.Man: Well, my father-in-law, who is also the managing director of J.R. Motives, has given me two weeks to prepare a report on the possibility of moving into the export market.Woman: Ah, now, just one thing Paul. Have you really thought the whole idea through?Man: Of course I have.Woman: Now the key thing in the whole operation is to get a good import agent, and you say the bank will help?Man: I m almost sure of it.Woman: Preliminary studies are very good, Paul. But if the product can t sell, then there s little use in expanding the factory.Man: Yes, I realize that, Shirley. But we have a very good product. The chief designer has just completed a new improved model.Woman: I know your bikes have a very good reputation here, but you have to build up a reputation and mark it in Africa.Man: Yes, of course. But the immediate problem is that my father-in-law wants a detailed report by next Monday. Two weeks isn t enough time to prepare a report, so I need your help.Woman: OK, Paul, you ve convinced me. I must say I admire your determination.12. Where does the conversation most probably take place?13. What do we learn about the men s father-in-law?14. What does the woman think is important in the whole operation?15. What does the woman admire in the man?Passage 1Scientists know how twins were born, now though, they are trying to explain how being half of the biological pair influences a twin s identity. They want to know why many identical twins make similar choices even when they don t leave near each other. For example, Jim Springer and Jim Louis are identical twins. They were separated when they were only 4 months old. The two Jims grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. When they finally met, they discovered some surprising similarities between them. Both men were married twice, their first wives were named Linda, and their second wives were both named Betty. Both twins named their first sons James Allen. Scientists want to know what influences are personality. They study pairs of identical twins who grew up in different surroundings, like Jim Springer and Jim Louis. These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology. Researchers at the University of Minnesota, studies 350 sets of identical twins who did not grow up together. They discovered many similarities in their personalities. Scientists believed that personality characteristics such as friendliness, shyness and fears are not result of environment. These characteristics are probably inherited. Scientists continue to study identical twins because they are uncertain about them and have many questions. For example, they want to know can twins really communicate without speaking , can one twin really feel another twin s pain . Perhaps with more research, scientists will find the answers.16. What are scientists trying to explain according to the passage?17. What do we learn about the twin Jims?18. Why are scientists interested in studying identical twins raised in different families?Passage 2Today I m going to talk about tents. Camping is still one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday. And each year, over 3 million people take camping vocations, either here in Britain or aboard, mostly on the continent. Obviously, camping can t be as comfortable as living in a permanent house, but modern tents can be very comfortable indeed, with windows, bedrooms, kitchens and sitting rooms. The most popular tent sold in Britain is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people. There is usually an outer tent of water-proofed fabric and a lighter inner tent or tents with a built-in ground sheet. The outer tent fits over the frame work. This is made of metal poles which are fitted together. The inner tent is attached to this frame. Generally, the inner tent is about half the area of the outer tent. The other half of the outer tent is the living area. This doesn t usually have a ground sheet but you can buy one to fit, though it costs extra. The ordinary 4 bed frame tent doesn t usually have a separate kitchen area, but the larger ones often do. You can buy a kitchen extension for many tents, and it s worth buying one if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days.19. What does the speaker say about camping?20. What does the passage tell us about the most popular tent sold in Britain?21. What does the speaker suggest buying if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days?Passage 3Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world, is located high in the mountains between France and Spain. The country covers only 179 square miles. That is less than half the size of New York City. High, rocky mountains surround Andorra. Until the 1930s, travelers had difficulty in reaching the country. Up until that time, people in Andorra lived in the way they had lived for centuries. Most Andorrans worked as farmers. Things did not change quickly. When roads were built from France and Spain to Andorra in the 1930s, life picked up speed. Tourist began to visit the small country. These tourists brought in a lot of money to spend while visiting. Many people in Andorra found new jobs in shops or hotels. These changes helped to keep young people in Andorra. There were many more jobs than before the roads were built. Today tourists provided 80 to 90 percent of Andorra s income. More than a million people visit each year. They come to view the rough mountains. They enjoy the quiet way of life. Most people are also interested in the ancient buildings. There are many shops for tourists to browse in, clothes, watches, wines and other items are sold at low prices in Andorra. Import fees are low, so tourists enjoy the inexpensive shopping. Most of the businesses in Andorra are owned by its citizens. There are not many foreign businesses. Some Andorrans still farm and raise sheep and cattle. But most are now involved with the tourist trade.22. How big does the speaker say Andorra is?23. What can be said about Andorra before the 1930s?24. What event changed the situation in Andorra?25. What do most people do in Andorra do nowadays?clozeDictation:Compound DictationDon t take may English courses, they won t help you get a decent job. Sign up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound familiar? Many of us have heard suggestions like these put forward by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then should suggestions like these be taken with caution? The reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must live with their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. Decisions you make after you ve considered various alternatives and chosen the path that suits you best. Making your own decisions does not mean that you should ignore the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having participated in a great deal of your personal history. They may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate. They may still see you as a child, and need care and protection. Or they may see only your strength or in some unfortunate cases, they may focus only on your flaws and shortcomings. People will always be giving your advice, ultimately, though you have to make your own judgments.每天15分钟英语听力ID:shrj520小伙伴关注了之后,听力变成送分题▲微信扫描以上二维码1. 女士问男士最近一次是什么时候为公寓除尘的,应该是嫌男士家里不干净,结果男士的回答却是那得看我妈上次是什么时候来的。言外之意就是其实都是他妈妈帮他搞卫生。对应答案B. He has not cleared the apartment since his mother s visit.2. 女士在催男士赶快跑,马上公交车来了。男士却说不用跑,下一班2、3分钟之后就到。言外之意是可以赶下一班车。对应答案C. They might as well take the next bus.3. Up to one s neck就是某人手头要做的事实在太多,多得没法应付。这句没听懂也不影响做题,因为后面男人又问 how come you ve been so busy? (你最近怎么会这么忙?)女人回答史密斯夫人请病假了, 所以她要代理一些工作。由此可得知,女人最佳不得不做一些额外的工作。对应答案C. She has to do extra work for a few days.4. 女士说每天在咖啡馆洗盘子很无聊,男士让她和他一起去送花。也就是让她换工作。对应答案A change her job.5. Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind. slip one s mind指的是:忘记了。男人忘记了自己的诺言。对应答案D. He failed to do what he promised to do.6. 男人对女人说,你不喜欢这部电影我一点也不惊讶。我自己也觉得很吓人。 女人说,确实。通常来说她都不喜欢恐怖电影。对应答案B. The woman does not like horror films.本题可能的干扰内容是对as a rule的理解,as a rule 相当于in general: 通常来说。7. 男人说就他个人经验来说爱可以是甜蜜的,但也会带来伤害。女人说着话让她想到一句谚语,蜂蜜虽甜蜜,但是蜜蜂却会扎人。由此可见,他们对爱的看法是一致的。对应答案C. The speakers share a common view on love.8. 男人问女人要为论坛再准备几把椅子,6把还是7把。女人说,把所有能找到的椅子都带上。 由此可见,他们是在为一次论坛的召开做准备工作。对应答案A .Preparations for a forum.Conversation One9. 考查细节。在对话中,女方说 There s certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too. 虽然Scandinavia这个词考生可能不认识,但根据发音理应能够识别。对应答案B. Scandinavia.10. 考查细节。直接在对话中有所展示, I m sure more women will go out to work in the next 20 years. 对应答案D. More women will work outside the family.11. 考查细节。略有难度,在对话刚刚提到women s liberation movement并未提到本题的答案,考生若不熟悉 liberation movement 可能会慌,但随后便会听到第三题的答案。对应答案D. Spend more time changing women s attitudes.Conversation Two12. 推理判断。从开头能听出场景,两人是在用商务午餐。对应答案A. In a restaurant.13. 考查细节。对话中Paul说 my father-in-law, who is also the managing director of Jayal Motors, 故得知。对应答案C. He is the Managing Director of Jayal Motors.14. 考查细节。很明显,key thing也就是important,对话中说 Now the key thing in the whole operation is to get a good import agent, 故得知。对应答案B. To get a good import agent.15. 考查细节。对话最后Shirley说, I must say I admire your determination.故得知. 对应答案D. His determination.Passage One17. 关键词即是Jim 这个名字。关于两个Jim的情况是:他们一直生长在不同家庭,直到39岁才见面。 grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. 他们都结过两次婚,第二次婚姻中,妻子都叫贝蒂。 Both men were married twice and their second wives were both named Betty. 而他们的第一个孩子都是儿子 Both twins named their first sons James Allen. 对应答案B. They grew up in different surroundings.18. 通过对两个Jim的研究, These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology. 对应答案A. They want to find out the relationship between environment and biology.Passage Two20. 关键抓 the most popular tent 。通过这个关键表述,我们可以知道最受欢迎的帐篷有这样的特色: The most popular tent is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people. There is usually an outer tent and a lighter inner tent or tents. 对应答案B. It consists of an inner and an outer tent.Passage Three26. familiar27. put forward28. caution29. live30. alternatives31. ignore32. participated33. in need of34. focus35. judgments


2016年军队文职人员招聘考试(出版专业)能力提高训练题及答案一发布时间:2017-10-29 18:09:071). 编辑工作与其他文化工作共有的特点包括( )等。A.思想性B.选择性C.创造性D.加工性E.中介性正确答案:AC2). 我国出版行政管理的根本任务包括( )。A.保障公民享有出版自由的权利B.保障和规范合法的出版活动C.保障公民因创作作品而享有的著作权D.培育和规范出版物市场E.惩处违法出版行为正确答案:ABDE答案解析:我国出版行政管理的根本任务是:保障公民享有出版自由的权利,保障和规范合法的出版活动,培育和规范出版物市场,惩处违法出版行为,促进中国特色社会主义出版业的健康繁荣和发展。

解放军文职招聘考试 2008年考研农学联考植物生理学与生物化学真题参考答案-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

解放军文职招聘考试 2008年考研农学联考植物生理学与生物化学真题参考答案发布时间:2017-06-02 19:45:512008年考研农学联考植物生理学与生物化学真题参考答案植物生理学答案:一、单项选择题1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5 .D6.A 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.A11.A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.B二、简答题16.答案要点:(1)初始质壁分离细胞的压力势为0,水势等于其渗透势且小于0,放在纯水中,细胞吸水。随着细胞吸水的进行,细胞的体积、水势、渗透势、压力势逐渐增大。(2)达到平衡时,细胞水势等于纯水水势,此时压力势和渗透势绝对值相等,细胞的体积、水势、渗透势、压力势都达到最大。17.答案要点:(1)促进细胞伸长生长。(2)促进维管束分化。(3)促进侧根和不定根发生。(4)维持顶端优势。18.答案要点:(1)韧皮部筛管中同化物以集流的方式运输。(2)推动运输的动力是源和库问的压力势梯度。(3)同化物在源端不断装载,库端不断卸出,产生并维持源库间的压力势梯度。三、实验题19.答案要点:(1)光合作用消耗CO2使密闭生长箱中CO2浓度逐渐降低。一定时间后,CO2浓度下降到某一浓度时,光合作用速率等于呼吸作用速率,O2浓度达到稳态,这个浓度即为CO2补偿点。(2)根据图中两种植物CO2补偿点的数值范围,可以推测A植物是C4植物,通过C4途径同化CO2同化CO2。(3)验证方法①14CO2标记实验:14C首先出现在C4化合物的14C出现在C3化合物中的植物址中的植物是通过C3途径同化CO2的②观察叶片解剖结构:维管束鞘细胞具有叶绿体的植物是通过C3途径同化CO2的.四、分析论述题。20.答案要点:(1)地上部分与地下部分是相互依赖,相互促进的关系;水肥等不足时,地上部分与地下部分表现相互竞争的关系。地上部分与地下部分通过物质和信号的相互交流建立相关性。根系为地上部分提供水分、矿质营养、激素等;地上部分为根系提供光合同化物、激素、维生素等。(2)生产中控制根冠比的方法和原理:①水分控制及其原理.②氮肥控制及其原理。③合理修剪及其原理。21.答案要点:(1)植物通过根、茎、叶形态结构上的适应性变化使自身在干旱逆境下维持正常或接近正常的水分状态。如叶片角质层增厚表皮毛增生,根冠比增大等。(2)在干旱逆境下,植物通过生理方面的适应性变化维持一定程度的生长发育。如植物通过吸收无机离子或合成小分子有机物质,降低细胞渗透势,增加吸水能力;植物通过调节气孔开度维持水分平衡;植物通过提高保护酶活性来清除活性氧,以维持膜的稳定性。生物化学答案:五、单项选择题22.B23.C24.A25.C26.D27.B28.A29.D30.B31.C32.C33.D34.D35.A36.A六、简答题37.答案要点:(1)是生物系统的能量交换中心。(2)参与代谢调节。(3)是合成RNA等物质的原料。(4)是细胞内磷酸基团转移的中间载体。38.答案要点:(1)蛋白质一级结构是指蛋白质多肽链中氨基酸残基的排列顺序。(2)不同物种同源蛋白质一级结构存在差异,亲缘关系越远,其一级结构中氨基酸序列的差异越大;亲缘关系越近,其一级结构中氨基酸序列的差异越小。(3)与功能密切相关的氨基酸残基是不变的,与生物进化相关的氨基酸残基是可变的。39.答案要点:(1)竞争性抑制剂丙二酸的结构与底物琥珀酸结构相似。(2)丙二酸与底物琥珀酸竞争结合琥珀酸脱氢酶的活性中心。(3)丙二酸的抑制作用可以通过增加底物琥珀酸的浓度解除。(4)加入丙二酸后琥珀酸脱氢酶Km增大,而Vmax不变。七、实验题40.答案要点:(1)试剂的作用①EDTA可螯合金属离子,抑制DNA酶的活性。②氯仿一异戊醇混合液使蛋白质变性沉淀,并能去除脂类物质。③95%乙醇可使DNA沉淀。(2)鉴别方法①采用地衣酚试剂检测RNA分子中的核糖。如果反应液呈绿色,说明残留有RNA。②采用紫外吸收法检测A260/A280的比值。如果比值大于1.8,说明残留有RNA。③采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法检测是否有小分子量的RNA条带存在。八、分析论述题41.答案要点:(1)磷酸二羟丙酮是糖代谢的中间产物, 一磷酸甘油是脂肪代谢的中间产物;因此,磷酸二羟丙酮与 一磷酸甘油之间的转化是联系糖代谢与脂代谢的关键反应。(2)磷酸二羟丙酮有氧氧化产生的乙酰CoA可作为脂肪酸从头合成的原料,同时磷酸二羟丙酮可转化形成 一磷酸甘油,脂肪酸和 一磷酸甘油是合成脂肪的原料。(3)磷酸二羟丙酮经糖异生途径转化为6一磷酸葡萄糖,再经磷酸戊糖途径产生NADPH,该物质是从头合成脂肪酸的还原剂。(4)脂肪分解产生的甘油可转化为磷酸二羟丙酮,可进入糖异生途径产生葡萄糖,也可以进入三羧酸循环彻底氧化分解。42.答案要点:(1)mRNA上三个相邻的核苷酸组成密码子编码一种氨基酸。遗传密码具有简并性。(2)tRNA反密码子环上具有的反密码子,可以按照碱基配对原则反向识别mRNA上的密码子。但这种识别具有 摆动性 。tRNA的结构影响其结合氨基酸的特异性。(3)氨酰tRNA合成酶具有专一性识别氨基酸和能携带该氨基酸tRNA的功能。氨酰tRNA合成酶还具有二次校对功能。