
发布时间:2019-05-06 14:50:16单项选择题1.在幼儿教育史上, 幼儿园 这一名词最早出现在哪一年?()A.1816 B.1837 C.1840 D.19072.下列教育家与其名著配对错误的是()。A.杜威 《我的教育信条》 B.柏拉图 《理想国》C.福禄贝尔 《幼儿教育书信》 D.夸美纽斯 《大教育学论》3..幼儿教师了解幼儿最有效、最基本的途径是()。A.游戏 B.集体活动 C.谈话 D.观察4.下列家园合作形式能够使得幼儿家长直接参与幼儿园教育活动的形式是()。A.家长学校 B.家长开放日 C.家长会 D.家园联系5.幼儿按照童话或故事中的情节扮演某一角色,再现文学作品内容的一种游戏形式是()。A.角色游戏 B.表演游戏 C.结构游戏 D.有规则游戏6.1岁的小强从出生以后就一直由他的外婆抚育,只要外婆在身边,他就能安心的玩和探索周围的环境,当外婆离开时,他就哭闹不止,不肯让外婆离开,这体现了小强对外婆的()。A.移情 B.合作 C.依恋 D.恐惧7.不要给攻击性强的孩子穿红色的衣服,红色容易引起暴躁的情绪。这一现象可以用感觉的什么规律来解释?()A.感觉适应 B.感觉对比 C.联觉 D.感觉互补8.3岁儿童常常表现出各种反抗行为或执拗现象,这是儿童心理发展中的()现象。A.最近发展区 B.敏感期 C.转折期 D.关键期9.幼儿消化系统技能较差,因此两餐时间间隔应在()。A.不应少于1小时,不超过2.5小时 B.不应少于2小时,不超过3小时C.不应少于2.5小时,不超过3小时 D.不应少于3小时,不超过4小时10.掌握儿童体育活动的活动量时,一般要求()。A.高强度、高密度,时间较短 B.低强度、低密度,时间长C.低强度、高密度,时间较短 D.高强度、低密度,时间长


发布时间:2019-05-05 21:30:0096.In India it is considered impolite _A.to use the right hand for passing food on tableB.to pass food with the left handC.to eat food with your handsD.to help yourself at table97.The best title for this article is _A.People s Every LifeB.Mind Your MannersC.Shaking and Nodding HeadD.Taking a Bus in EnglandTime is very important in our lives. It organizes our everyday moments. However, time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from my father.I received this gift on a cloudy day. I had to go to the airport at 9:00 a.m. to meet my uncle and take him to my father s house. However, I was late because I was staying with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 a.m., I remembered my uncle, but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to my father s house.I got to my father s house at 2:00 p.m. and felt ashamed of myself at that moment. After I said hello to my angry father and tired uncle, my father asked me to sit next to him and gave me this watch. Then he said, Essa, did you have fun with your friends today?Yes, Dad, and I m sorry about not meeting my uncle at the airport.I hope today you learned something important, and this watch will be a reminder for you. He told me to take this watch and use it as an organizer of my life.I learned a very important lesson from my father: To respect time and never be late to do something. This watch is important to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson that I learned from it.98.The writer s uncle came to visit them _A.by carB.by airC.by boatD.by taxi


发布时间:2019-02-22 01:19:471.吸光度A=lg(It/I0) It/I0为透光率,一般用T表示。I0为入射光,It为被吸收后射出来的光。2.朗伯比尔定律A=εCL 其中A为溶液的吸光度,C为被测浓度,ε为摩尔吸光系数,L为光径。3.透射比浊法lg(I0/I)=kcl4.终点法A+B AB C=k △A △A=A2-A15.固定时间法:A+B AB6.零点动力法R=n AiTi- Ai Tt/n Ti2-( Tt)27.米曼氏方程是用来解释酶促反应速率和底物浓度关系的数学方程式V=Vmax[S]/(Km [S])其中Vmax指该酶促反应的最大速度,[S]为底物浓度,Km是米氏常数,V是在某一底物浓度时相应的反应速度。当底物浓度很低时,[S] Km,此时V≌Vmax,反应速度达最大速度,底物浓度再增高也不影响反应速度。当反应速率为最大速率一半时,方程式可变为:Vmax/2=Vmax[S]/(Km [S]),进一步整理得Km=[S]8.①肾小球滤过率(GFR):指在单位时间内两肾生成的滤液量。②肾清除率:肾清除率是指两肾在单位时间内能将某种物质从一定量的血浆中完全清除并由尿排出时被处理的血浆量,此即肾清除率。依据某物质单位时间内从血浆中被清除的总量=某物质单位时间从尿排出的总量,可得到公式:CX=(UX V)/PX其中CX为某物质清除率,V为每分钟尿量,UX为尿中某物质浓度,PX为血浆中某物质浓度。③滤过分数(filtration fraction,FF):是指GFR与肾血浆流量的比值。