
发布时间:2017-08-14 10:30:46音的高低 音的强弱 音的长短 音色(1)音有高低、强弱、长短、音色四种主要性质,在音乐表现中非常重要,其中以音的高低和长短最为重要。不知道您是否有这样的体会:对于一首歌,不管您人声演唱还是乐器演奏,唱的声音是小是大,也不管您演唱或演奏时用什么调,音的强弱及音色有了变化,但这支歌的旋律依旧。可是,如果这首歌的音高或音的长短有改变的话,则音乐的感受就会受到严重的影响。可见,对一段旋律来说,音高和音长短的重要性。(2)音的高低决定于物体在一定时间的振动次数(频率)。振动次数越多,音越高;振动次数越少,音越低。音的强弱决定于振幅(音 的振动幅度)的大小。振幅越大,音越强;振幅越小,音越弱。音的长短决定于音的延续时间的不同。音的延续时间越长,音越长;音的延续时间越短,音越短。而音色由发音体的性质、形状及泛音的多少等多种因素决定。(3)什么是音色? 音色指音的感觉特性。是音乐中极为吸引人、能直接触动感官的重要表现手段。发音体的振动是由多种谐音组成,其中有基音和泛音,泛音的多寡及泛音之间的相对强度决定了特定的音色。人们区分音色的能力是天生的,音色分为人声音色和器乐音色。人声音色高、中、低音,并有男女之分;器乐音色中主要分弦乐器和管乐器,各种打击乐器的音色也是各不相同的。


发布时间:2017-06-29 12:43:25Dear paul,It was great to hear from you and I m very glad to tell you something about Beijing Olympic Mascots .There are 5 Friendlies , or Fu Wa in Chinese , to serve as the Mascots for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games . Designed to express the nature of Chinese children, the 5 doll-like Frinedlies are symbols of four popular animals-the Fish , the Panda , the Tibetan Antelope , the Swallow and the Olympic Flame . Each of the Friendlies has a Chinese name-Beibei , Jingjjing , Huanhuan , Yingying and Nini. When we put them together , they say Beijing Huan Ying Ni, or Welcome to Beijing ! in English . These lovely dolls show us the Olympic spirit of universal friendship , and they each represent one of the following-the sea , forest , fire , earth and sky . As you can see , their colours have something to do with the 5 colours of the Olympic rings .I really hope you may come to Beijing in 2008 ! Certainly I ll be your company then ! Looking forward to your arrival !Yours ,Li Hua