
发布时间:2019-04-28 22:52:541.The place _______interested me most was the Children"s Palace.A. WhichB. whereC. whatD. in which答案:A.中公讲师解析:which用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语,修饰先行词place,还可以填that。2.Do you know the man _______?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke答案:C.中公讲师解析: 和谁讲话 要用speak to sb. 本题的定语从句可以下面的几种方式表示:(1)Do you know the man whom/who/that/不填 I spoke to?(2) Do you know the man to whom I spoke? whom是关系代词,作介词to的宾语,可以省略。但是如果介词to放在关系代词前面,指人,只能用whom。3.This is the hotel _______last month.A. which they stayedB. at that they stayedC. where they stayed atD. where they stayed答案:D.中公讲师解析:where是关系副词,表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。This is the hotel where/at which they stayed last month. 或者改写为This is the hotel which/that /不填they stayed at last month.


发布时间:2019-04-29 08:57:55二. 选择最佳答案(表示地点运动方向的介词).1. I had a new card, and I didn t write ________.A. on itB. itC. in itD. above it2. There is a bridge ________ the river.A. underB. overC. onD. next3. He said that he would meet us ____ the cinema.A. inB. atC. onD. in4. There is a book store________ the street corner.A. atB. inC. onD. by5. From the top of the teaching building we saw the lake ________ us.A. underB. overC. belowD. above


发布时间:2019-04-28 22:47:12副 词一、概述副词是用来修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词,表示动作的特征、状态的特征或某种性质的程度。二、副词的分类时间副词、地点副词、方式副词、疑问副词及程度副词。1、时间副词:时间副词表达的内涵包括回答 什么时候 或 经常与否A: how, then, yesterday, last time, today, just now, later on, so far, ago;B: always, often, usually, sometimes, never, hardly, ever;C: already, yet, late, early, soon, at once, at last, finally, at first, since;2、地点副词:表示地点或位置关系的副词。A: here, there, home, anywhere, everywhere;B: above, below, down, up, out, in, across, back, over, round, away, near;注:B类中表示位置的副词有时也可作介词。如:Come in, please.----- They live in the next room.3、方式副词:badly, carefully ,politely, sadly, suddenly, happily, well, fast, high, hard.4、 程度副词:常见的有: much, a little, a bit, very, even, so, too, enough, quite, rather, completely, terribly, nearly, hardly, not at all。这些副词多用来修饰形容词、副词或动词以加强语气。5、 疑问副词:是用来引导一个特殊问句,有时用来引导时间状语从句或宾语从句。疑问副词有:how, when, where, why6、部分副词的用法:1)too, either, also都是表示 也 。too和either都用于句末,too用于肯定句中,either用于否定句及一般疑问句中,also放在句子中,be动词前,实义动词后。