
发布时间:2017-07-10 19:01:37据XX报道:XX日XX召开了 会议会议认为,我国 工作取得显著成绩和进步, 改革迈出重大步伐, 持续快速发展, 领域对外开放稳步推进, 监管得到加强, 秩序明显好转, 在我国经济社会发展中发挥了重要作用。我们要认真总结 改革发展积累的成功经验,同时也要清醒地看到当前 领域存在的矛盾和问题,充分认识 改革发展任务的重要性和艰巨性,坚持不懈地做好各项 工作。会议指出,当前我国正处于全面建设小康社会的关键时期,对外开放进入新阶段。我国 领域面临着新情况新问题,国际 发展也出现了新趋势。切实做好新形势下的 工作,全面推进 改革,促进 业持续健康安全发展,对于实现国民经济又好又快发展,构建社会主义和谐社会,具有十分重要的意义。会议强调,今后时期 工作的总体要求是:以邓小平理论和 三个代表 重要思想为指导,全面落实科学发展观,坚持以 改革开放和科技进步为动力,着力推进现代 体系和制度建设,着力提升 创新能力和服务水平,着力提高 运行效率和 企业经营效益,着力加强 调控和监管,着力维护 稳定和安全,显著增强我国 的综合实力、竞争力和抗风险能力,促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展,充分发挥 对全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的重要作用。会议强调,今后时期 工作的主要任务是:进一步推动 业持续健康发展,不断满足经济社会日益增长的多样化 需求;进一步优化 结构,完善多层次 市场体系和城乡、地区金融布局,加大对 三农 、中小企业和欠发达地区 支持力度;进一步深化各类 企业改革,完善公司治理,强化内部管理,加快转换经营机制;进一步完善 能和调控机制,促进国民经济平稳较快发展;进一步推进 对外开放,学习借鉴国外先进 管理经验和技术,增强在扩大开放条件下我国 发展能力和竞争能力;进一步健全 法制,依法强化 监管,促进 安全高效稳健运行。会议强调,各级党委和政府要从经济社会发展全局和战略的高度,充分认识做好新形势下 工作的重要性,加强和改进对 工作的领导,认真贯彻中央关于 工作的大政方针和战略部署,统一思想,明确任务,狠抓落实。要完善 工作领导和管理体制,切实加强各类 机构各级领导班子建设,全面提高 从业人员思想政治素质、业务素质和职业道德素质,大力实施 人才发展战略,加强 系统党风廉政建设,强化监督约束机制,加大打击商业贿赂工作力度,严厉惩治腐败行为,坚决反对挥霍浪费、追求奢华的不良风气。


发布时间:2017-12-30 15:39:51Topic 21: As most people spend a major part of adult Life at the place of work, job satisfaction is an important part of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? Are all the expectations for job satisfaction realistic?工作满意度的决定因素有:工作稳定(job security),基本收人(basic pay), 和工作相关的回报(job-related benefits);好的工作环境和条件(working conditions),工作节奏比较适当(able to cope with work pace);好的同事、同伴还有上司(good rapport with coworkers, peers and superiors);职业发展的机会(career development),比如接受训练和指引(receive training and counselling),提高能力的机会(development of capabilities),还有能够发挥全部潜能的机会(attainment offull potential);获得别人的认同(receive recognition),进行革新和创造的机会(given the opportunities for innovation and creativity),成功的感觉(experience a feeling of success)。 般来说,一个人对工作的期待随着自己的经历改变而改变(Expectations varied as their experience changed.),除此之外,还有年龄、家庭、学识(educational background)和社会环境 (social settings)等其他因素。范文Job satisfaction refers to the degree of pleasure employees can feel when working. It is of broad interest to employers because of its potential impact on productivity and morale of employees. Of those factors that contribute to job satisfaction, some are intrinsic while others are extrinsic. Both will be introduced below. In the latter part of the essay is a discussion concerning whether one"s expectations for job satisfaction are always appropriate.Most of the factors that have influence on job satisfaction are extrinsic. One is employees, material needs. It is understandable that income, housing, paid holiday, bonus and other job benefits are the main elements an employee will normally look into when evaluating whether a job is desirable or not. Another source of satisfaction is job satisfaction, An employee is delighted if continued employment is accessible, that is, staying on a job for some considerable lime. Besides these basic needs, people crave for a positive self-image and to have their contribution valued and appreciated. That"s why promotion is very often manipulated to improve employees" job satisfaction, sending a message to employees that their commitment has been recognized.Along with extrinsic factors, intrinsic factors are important. Individual personality plays a large part in many cases. It is believed that the employees with a positive outlook on life and full of optimism are more likely to achieve higher job satisfaction irrespective of the job or workplace they are in. When optimism allows individuals to function well in the fact of adversity and prevents them from becoming depressed, pessimism makes them less likely to complete tasks and meet objectives successfully, thereby undermining job satisfaction.Given the constantly changing nature of today"s business environment, a job can hardly live up to the expectations of job holders. Weak economies, rapidly changing technology and likelihood of downsizing are combining to account for why the length of tenure is shortened nowadays and few people now expect to stay on the same job throughout their working lives. Rewards are able to raise motivation and increase satisfaction of employees, but not available for every individual that wants them. There is no guarantee that every good performer will be awarded all the time. Law of the jungle applies here: only the strongest competitors will win access to the majority of the resource.As suggested above, job satisfaction is attributed to different factors, both extrinsic and intrinsic. The complexity of today"s work environment has made it less likely for people to get whatever they desire from a job.近义词表1. morale=drive=spirits=positive fee1ings=confidence:信心,士气,自尊(常指企业的员工)2. intrinsic=inherent=basic=natural=native :内在的,自然产生的3. extrinsic=extraneous:外来4. outlook=what is expected to happen in the future=prospect:前景5. irrespective of=regardIess of:不管6. adversity=hardship=difficulty=harsh conditions=hard times:逆境,恶劣的环境7. tenure=terra:任期8. law of the jungle:弱肉强食,森林原则


解放军文职招聘考试关于表彰全省优秀农民工和农民工工作先进集体的决定发布时间:2017-11-21 21:59:32决定可考系数:★★★适用范围:适用于对重要事项或者重大行动做出安排,奖惩有关单位及人员,变更或者撤销下级机关不适当的决定事项。一般可以分为知照性决定、指挥性决定、奖惩性决定。参考例文:关于表彰全省优秀农民工和农民工工作先进集体的决定各市、县人民政府,省农民工工作领导小组各成员单位:农民工是改革开放和工业化、城镇化进程中涌现的一支新型劳动大军,是产业工人的重要组成部分,是推动经济社会发展的重要力量。近年来,各地各有关部门和单位认真贯彻落实国家和省的决策部署,致力于解决农民工问题,取得了显著成绩,产生了一批农民工工作先进集体;广大农民工主动融入城市社会,积极投身江苏 两个率先 伟大实践,为促进经济社会又好又快发展作出了重要贡献,在各行各业涌现出一大批优秀农民工。为宣传优秀农民工的突出业绩,树立农民工工作先进典型,激励广大农民工和农民工工作机构学习先进、自强不息、努力工作,进一步营造全社会关爱农民工、关心支持农民工工作的良好氛围,决定对王修小等100名优秀农民工、南希望受表彰的优秀农民工和农民工工作先进集体发扬成绩、再接再厉,不断创造新的业绩。全省各地各有关部门和广大群众要以他们为榜样,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,解放思想,开拓进取,敬业奉献,扎实工作,为把江苏的明天建设得更加美好而努力奋斗。根据《国务院关于解决农民工问题的若干意见》(国发〔2006〕5 号)精神,对受表彰的100 名全省优秀农民工,根据本人意愿,准予其将户口由原籍所在地迁入就业地城镇落户。落户的具体手续,由优秀农民工所在单位或个人向各地县级以上劳动保障部门农民工工作机构申请办理。附件:1、全省优秀农民工名单2、全省农民工工作先进集体名单二○○八年十二月一日决定的结构比较简单,一般分为标题和正文两部分。标题由作出决定的单位名称以及决定内容和文种三部分组成,如:江苏省人民政府关于表彰全省优秀农民工和农民工工作先进集体的决定。如果是正式会议讨论决定的,在标题的下面要写明在什么时间经过什么会议通过或批准。普发的知照性决定可以省去受文对象。正文一般采取横式结构,通常包括行文宗旨、事项内容、事项意义、事项的执行等要求。决定对于公务员考试而言,最常考的是表彰决定,其结构框架见范文的下划线。