
发布时间:2019-05-07 22:15:393、如何指导幼儿开展结构游戏?答:1)丰富和加深幼儿对物体和建筑物的印象2)训练结构活动的基本技能3)帮助建立必要的游戏规则4)慎重对待幼儿的 作品4、如何为幼儿选择玩具?答:1)玩具的教育性2)玩具的安全性3)玩具的可操作性4)玩具的适宜性5)玩具的经济性六、论述题请举例说明教师如何指导幼儿开展角色游戏。答:(一)角色游戏的指导要求角色游戏又称主题游戏,是幼儿通过扮演角色,运用模仿和想象,创造性地反映现实生活的一种游戏。如娃娃家游戏、医院、超市都是不同主题的角色游戏。显示生活是角色游戏的源泉,想象力的发展是角色游戏发展的心理基础,玩具和游戏材料是角色游戏开展的物质基础。1、造游戏的条件。时间:教师应保证幼儿在园的每一天时间都有游戏时间,并把游戏时间列入教育计划中。目前,我国大部分城市幼儿园采取活动区活动与集体教学活动相结合的教学模式。活动区的活动在一天活动的安排中所在的时间大约为30-40分钟。例子略。空间:要保证幼儿活动的空间,关键是确定有些的地点。例子略。材料:幼儿的游戏需要来自玩具和游戏材料的支持。教师应根据幼儿的兴趣、知识经验及游戏的需要,为幼儿准备一些游戏材料。例子略。2、幼儿的生活经验。角色游戏是儿童对周围现实生活的反映,掌握和积累社会生活经验是角色游戏开展的基础。教师要通过实地参观、谈话、邀请社区成员和家长参与、阅读等多种形式来帮助幼儿丰富经验。例子略。


发布时间:2019-05-05 20:38:15第一部分 客观题一、单项选择题1.Chinese prilme minister Li Kepiang and his wife Cheng Hong set off on their first state visit to Africa ( B ) May4.2014.A in B on C by D at2.I hate meat. I ( C ) eat it.A usually B Often C Seldom D alaways3.----Hello,Are you still Wu yuan?----oh,no,we re back home.we ( C ) a really good journey.A will have B have C had D are having4.----At present,one of the best ways to study is working in groups.----morechances ( B ) to students to learn from each other.A often B are offered C are offering D are having5.If you want to get more infrmation about English teaching and learn,p;ease visit our ( D )A compang B store C e-mail D website6.Blog,a shared on line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experience and hobbies, ( D )more and more popular with people of all ages.A becomes B become C are becoming D is becoming7.It is generally accepted that chinese were the earliest ( B ) football while the Europeans established the modern rules for football.A p;ayed B p;aying C to play D having play8.I m surprised that that Andy is 25.I thought he was ( B ),for the seems to be in his thirties.A old B older C to play D having play9.It ( B ) be Mike. I saw him go to the library just now.A mustn t B can t C needn t D won t10.---Sir,could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke--free(无烟的)school.---( A )A had know B know C have known D knew