解放军文职招聘考试 高一英语语法与词汇综合练习150题 JB2-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

发布时间:2017-05-21 16:02:26高一英语语法与词汇综合练习150题 JB21.--- Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets. --- You ______ something.A. have left B. are always leaving C. are leaving D. always left2. --- I ______ so busily recently that I ______ no time to help you with your math.--- That s OK. I can manage it by myself.A.have been working; have B.have worked; hadC.am working; will have D.had been working; had had3. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you ______ to me.A. are writing B. will write C. has written D. write4. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He ______ in a radio factory at that time.A. had worked B. has worked C. was working D. has been working5. --- What ______ when I phoned you? --- I ______ my work, and I wanted to go out.A. have you done; finished B. were you doing; have finishedC. did you do; had just finished D. were you doing; had just finished6. Public service advertisements are often run ___ free, and are ___to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare.A. for, mean B. for, meant C. of, to mean D. in, meaning7. The old woman found herself ______ when she left the market.A. cheating B. cheated C. to be cheated D. to have cheated8 Brain told you that there wasn t anyone in the room at the moment, ______?A. was there B. wasn t there C. didn t he D. did he9. Doctors believe that only a small number of people ____ of this kind of disease.A. is in danger B. is in a danger C. are in danger D. are in the danger10. _____ books you have borrowed from the library should be returned in two weeks time.A. Whatever B. However C. No matter what D. What11. They would not allow him _______ climbing Mount Everest.A. to risk to B. to risk going C. risking going D. risk going12. We ______ for one hour and a half and it is about time we ______ a rest.A. trained; take B. have trained; took C. are training; will take D. had trained; to take13 We have to work hard; ______ we ll lose the chance.A. therefore B. otherwise C. besides D. however14 I am in low spirits, because the money _______ I was going to buy Mum a present is gone.A. with which B. from which C. by which D. through which15. --- Shall I tell John about it? --- No, you _____. I ve told him already.A. mustn t B. wouldn t C. shouldn t D. don t have to16 How did you finish the job so soon,Jack? ____asking for help.A.At B.In C.With D.By17 It s too dark. What s in the distance? There_______a boy and two dogs.A. are B. seem to be C.seems to be D.appear18.There are too many mistakes in your homework. It needs_______.A. to rewrite B. rewriting C.being rewritten D.be rewritten19.Last week I paid a visit to the mountain village where I was _______.A. brought in B. brought out C.brought up D.brought down20.You will be late_______ you leave immediately. A. until B.unless C.if D.or21.Don t be angry with him. He made the mistake________.A. in common B.on purpose C.by accident D.by mistake22.The park forbids____on the grass,but some parents don t forbid their kids____on it.A. to walk; walking B.to walk; to walk C.walking; walk D.walking; to walk23. May I smoke? If you _______, go and find the smoking area,please!A. can B.must C. should D. would.24. In front of our house_________ with a history of 100 years.A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree C. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tree stands25. Is Jack on duty today? It____ be him. It s his turn tomorrow.A.mustn t B.won t C.can t D.needn t26. The visitors who stayed in the hotel were lucky to escape ____ the burning building.A. from B. of C. out D. off27. Please take some warm clothes ____ it is cold.A. in any case B. in the case of C. in case D. in that case28 The clothes might get ____ when they are hung near the fire.A. burning B. burnt C. burn D. be burning29 His office is on the 12th ____ of that building.A. stairs B. story C. floor D. ground30. The meeting lasted five hours ____ it ended.A. behind B. before C. after D. later31. There"re ten students in the room. ____ like to go with me.A. Four of them B. The four of them C. They four D. Four they32. She has to ____ her little son every morning.A. get up B. dress C. wear D. put on33. I m so sorry, ____ I have something important to tell you.A. and B. but C. for D. though34. ---How long has Lucy ____ Tom? --I don t know and I even don t know when they ____.A. been married to; got married B. married to; married toC. married; married D. been married with; married35. In order to save more life, they had to work ____.A. day and evening B. day and night C. evening and morning D. afternoon and day36. This is the only one of the students _____ the truth.A. that knows B. who knows C. who know D. which knows37. Do you know the girl _____?A. whom he often talk to B. to who he often talks C. to that he often talks D. he often talks to38. There are no children _____ love their parents.A. that do not B. who does not C. that D. who39. I m one of the boys _____ never late for school.A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is40. Abraham Lincoln, _____ led the United States _____ these years, was _____ of the greatest presidents. A. he; for; a B. whom; in; one C. who; at; one D. who; through; one41. He can"t speak French well. ____ he has been learning it only for three months.A. After all B. At all C. In all D. For all42. He ____ to his teacher that he didn t finish his homework because he was ill and had to ____ in bed. A. lied, lay B. lay, lied C. laid, lay D. lied, lie43. I ll let you have a copy of my new book as soon as it ____.A. comes out B. gets out C. goes out D. keeps out44. --- What do you think of my composition?--- It ____ well ____ a few spelling mistakes.A. reads, except for B. reads, besides C. is read, except for D. is read, besides45. The car industry is going to ____ its production. A. cut up B. cut down C. cut off D. cut46.The careless driver received a ticket for speeding(超速).He _____have driven so fast.A. shouldn t B.wouldn t C.mustn t D.can t47.China ___ an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. A. exists B.discover C.covers D.discovery48.It was hard to believe that his first book became a(n)_______soon after it was published. Almost every senior student has a copy. A.best-seller B.breakthrough C.handclap D.explosion49.You may borrow the book ___you keep it clean. A as though Beven if C.so long as Dso that50 ___,his wife will wait for him to have supper together.A.However late is he B.However is he late C However late he is D However he is late51 We can go on with the project only when this problem .A. will be solved B.is solving C. has solved D.is solved52 I still think the airport is , but maybe it s closer than I have thought .A. nearby B. remote C. portable D. minus53. The visitors explained they were pleased with the service of the hotel , that they were very happy during their stay here. A. said B. will say C. and saying D. saying54. When she saw him, she___ a cry of horror. A made out B let out C. came out D. took out55. You did very well in the test . progress you ve made !A. What great B. What a great C. How great D. How a great56. ---Rose hasn t returned from the meeting. ---Really? I m sure she ll be back ____.A. before long B. long before C. long ago D. ago long57. The other day I ____ Tom at a party; it was the first time I had seen him in weeks.A. came upon B. came across C. came up D. came up for58. The Army men came to Sichuan ____ to save people.A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. easily59. --- How about the patient?--- He is ____ death. The doctors are trying their best to save his life.A. to the edge of B. on the edge of C. at the age of D. on top of60. He did lots of research ____ the science field. A. over B. to C. about D. into61. Who is the girl _____ wearing a red dress? A. whose B. that C. whom D. that s62. The young man _____ is an engineer of our factory.A. that you just talked B. whom you just talked toC. which you just talked to D. who you just talked63. The dictionary _____ is sold out in the bookshop.A. you need B. what you need C. which you need it D. that you need it64. Is this the shop _____ sells children s clothing? A. which B. where C. in which D. what65. Qingdao is the most satisfactory place _____ we re going to visit.A. which B. where C. that D. in which66. ---Do you want a lift home? ---It s very kind of you, but I have to work late in the office . I overslept this morning because my alarm clock .A doesn t go off B. hasn t gone off C. wasn t going off D. didn t go off67. Some people want to go hunting , others want to go fishing.A. or B. because C. while D. since68. There was a expression on her face . She doesn t like rock music.A. boring B. surprising C. bored D. surprised69. The large dog, Lion King , is standing in front of its owner, waving its tail .A. named B. naming C. to mane D. is named70. ---Have you seen your aunt recently ? ---Yes. I to visit her last night.A went B. was going C. has gone D. will go71--Which will you enter for the sports meet? --I m considering . It s hard to choose from.A events B. affairs C. competitions D. sports72 Tom has been to visit China and this year his dream will come true.A. wanted B. long C. keen D. dreamed73 In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle freedom after many years fightingslave owners. A. against ; with B. for ; against C. with ; for D. for; for74. ---Look at that beautiful sky! ---It looks like it a wonderful day.A was B. will be C. is going to be D. would be75. My mom me since last Sunday. I don t know what has happened.A. wasn t calling B. won t call C. hasn t called D. doesn t call76. The house is falling and you are ____.A. danger B. in danger C. dangerous D. with danger77 I ve never seen ____ player than him in the NBA matches.A. the taller B. a tall C. a taller D. the tallest78. There is no ink in the bottle, because all the ink ____.A. was used up B. has been used up C. was used D. has been used79. It s the right time of year to ____ apples. A. pick B. pick up C. pick out D. pick on80. He was ____ in the first round of the competition.A. knocked down B. knocked off C. knocked out D. knocked on81. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ____?A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off82. He s decided to ____ the meeting to be held in two days.A. take part in B. join in C. attend D. join83. I m going to ____ a policeman unless you leave here at once.A. send for B. send away C. send out D. send up84. The line is busy. I can t ____. A. get on B. get along with C. get through D. pass by85. I think he s fifty ____ the least. A. for B. at C. in D. of86. He ___ articles for our wall-newspaper these three years, and he __ about forty articles.A. has been writing; has written B. has been writing; wroteC. is writing; has been writing D. has written; has written87. --- How are you planning to travel to Shanghai? I ______ yet, but I ______ taking a train.A. didn t decide; am considering B. haven t decided; considerC. haven t decided; am considering D. hadn t decided; have considered88. --- I dropped in at your house at about ten last night, but you weren t in.--- I __ regular exercises at the club. A. did B. was doing C. had done D. have been doing89. My dictionary ______. I have looked for it everywhere but still ______it.A. has lost; don t find B. is missing; don t findC. has lost; haven t found D. is missing; haven t found90. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.A. have told; washes B. have been told; washesC. was told; washed D. have been told; is washed91.People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her, ___, she is a greatmusician A. after all B. as a result C. in other words D. as usual92. If I had ______, I d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holidayC. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough93. Use an umbrella to ___ you from the rain. A. stop B. prevent C. keep D. protect94. The monitor of the class ________ by the students.A. was thinking well of B. is well thought of C. thought well of D. is being thought of95. E-mail, as well as telephones, _____an important part in daily communication.A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play96. Why can you ____ and see him accused of something he didn t do ?.A. stand up B. stand about C. stand by D. stand back97. The pollutant will give off a large _______ of heat.A. quantity B. sum C. number D. lot98. _______ her way home, he found a wallet on the ground and he managed to return it toits owner. A. In B. On C. By D. To99. The lift ______, so we had to walk up the stairs.A. broke out B. broke off C. broke down D. broke up100. He is always running __ money before payday. A. out on B.out C. out of D. out at101. The two things _____ they felt very proud were Jim s gold watch and Della s hair.A. about which B. of which C. in which D. for which102. This is the museum _____ we visited last week.A. which B. where C. who D. in which103. Is this museum _____ we are going to visit tomorrow?A. which B. that C. where D. the one104. Ahead of me I saw a woman _____ I thought was my aunt.A. who B. Whom C. of whom D. whose105. The woman _____ is his mother.A. of whom he takes care B. of that he takes careC. he takes care of D. whom he takes care106. ---Has your brother come? --- No, I haven t ____ him to join us.A. made B. persuaded C. managed D. let107. They ____ the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. looked108. You ll find this map of great ____ in helping you to get round London.A. price B. cost C. value D. useful109. After they ____ the fire, they ____ carelessness was the cause of the fire.A. came out, found out B. broke out, gave outC. put out, pointed out D. looked out, said out110. These words were _____ from German.A. brought out B. taken on C. brought in D. brought about111. --- I think you should phone Jeanne and say sorry to her. --- ____ . It was her fault.A. No way B. Not possible C. No chance D. Not at all112. It was autumn _____ his wife returned from Spain.A. since B. when C. before D. that113. He set out soon after dark ______ home an hour later.A. arriving B. to arrive C. having arrived D. and arrived114. ---Sorry to have interrupted you, please go on.--- Where was I? --- You ______ you didn t like your father s job.A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying115. To my _______, he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.A. amaze B. amazed C. amazement D. amazing116.The foreigners are____by the_____achievements that the Chinese have made in construction.A.amazing amazing B.amazed amazed C.amazed amazing D. amazing amazed117. The instructions on the box are very ________.A. confused B. confusing C. confusion D. confuse118. He was against the law and put into _______ last month for robbery.A. the prison B. a prison C. an prison D. prison119. When it stopped, people got on the bus ________.A. in turn B. on the turn C. by turn D. at every turn120. They had escaped to America shortly after war _____ in 1939.A. broke down B. broke out C. broke into D. broke up121. I ll _____ with my writing till the bell rings.A. carry out B. carry on C. carry off D. carry away122. A suspected man was observed _____ the bank and then he went out of it.A. enter B. to enter C. entered D. entering123. When his father knew that his son had made the same mistake, his _____ ran out.A. patience B. confidence C. courage D. spirit124. Neighbors _______ that such an attack could happen in their area.A. shocked B. shocking C. were shocking D. were shocked125. The funds are _____ and it is not possible for the government to meet all the needs,but a series of programs and the development of local and nationwide health care networks are signs that the government is serious about the health care. A. limit B. limited C. limiting D. limitless126. --- Have you finished the report? --- No. I ______ it all this week.A. will do B. had done C. have done D. have been doing127. --- Why? Tom, your shirt is so dirty! --- Mum, I ______ my storeroom downstairs.A. cleaned B. have cleaned C. was cleaning D. have been cleaning128. --- Alice came back home the day before yesterday. --- Really? Where ______?A. has she been B. had she been C. has she gone D. had she gone129. --- What do you think of this kind of TV set, which ____ in Shanghai?--- Well, I don t care about such things.A. was made B. is made C. has been made D. had been made130. --- ______ Betty this morning? --- Not yet, but she is sure to be here before noon.A. Have you seen B. Will you see C. Do you see D. Did you see131.He sent me an E-mail, __ to get further information. A. hoped B.hoping C. to hope D. hope132. On the back wall _____ two large oil paintings.A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging133. When I went in the office, I found my English teacher is busy _____ his lessons.A. prepare B. preparing for C. to prepare for D. preparing134. By the time the soldiers arrived, the building _______.A. has destroyed B. has been destroyed C. had been destroyed D. had destroyed135. --- Do you like the material? ---Yes, it ______ very soft.A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt136. My daughter ____get up late, but now she ____rising early in the morning.A. was used to; is used to B used to; was used to C was used to; used to D used to; is used to137. ---I m taking part in the 200-meter race tomorrow. --- ________.A. Nothing at all B. Congratulations C. Come on D. Good luck138. Sarah, hurry up, I m afraid you won t have time to ______before the party.A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change.139. We ____ last night, but we went to the concert instead.A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study.140. Father will not ______ us to use his computer he has just bought.A. have B. let C. agree D. allow141. She is _____a growing number of Chinese people who find it increasingly difficult to find time to read every day. A. between B. among C. during D. through142. During the class, Tom slipped out of the classroom ____the back door so as not to be found by the teacher. A. across B. in C. by D. beside143. He finally won the general election because many of his promises were quite popular _____ the voters. A. for B. in C. to D. with144. I was so excited last night that it was a long time _____I got to sleep.A. thatB. sinceC. beforeD. when145. Mr. Smith wanted to buy the house and he told me that ____the house cost,it would be worth it. A. however B. how much C. whatever D. what146. _____earth scientists understand how and why earthquakes happen, forecasts are usually inaccurate. A. As B. While C. BecauseD. If147. I have been keeping the portrait _____ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my childhood in Paris. A. since B. where C. as D. if148. It is an interesting story and one can"t put it down _____ one has finished reading it.A. after B. when C. since D. until149. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _____I heard my name called.A. as B. for C. while D. when150. It was some time ______ I realized the truth.A. after B. before C. that D. since1-5 BADCD 6-10BBCCA 11-15 BBBAD 16-20DCBCB 21-25 CDBBC26-30ACBCB 31-35ABBAB 36-40BDABD 41-45 ADAAB 46-50 ACACC51-55 DBDBA 56-60 ABABD 61-65 DBAAC 66-70 DCCAA71-75 ACBCC 76-80 BCBAC 81-85 CCACB 86-90 ACBDB 91-95 AADBA96-100 CABCC 101-105 BADAC 106-110 BBCCC 111-115 ABDCC 116-120 CBDAB121-125 BBADB 126-130 DDBBA 131-135 BBDCC 136-140 DDACD141-145 BCDCC146-150 BBDDB


发布时间:2019-04-28 11:17:4916.发展性学生评价的基本原则(1)普遍性原则(2)层次性原则(3)多样化原则(4)多元化原则17.教学目标的三个方面知识目标、能力目标、情感目标。18.学生情感差异学生情感差异是指小学生的情感具有很大的情境性,容易受具体事物、具体情景的支配,加上可控性比较差的情感特点,学生在某些环境的影响下,情感上较易出现消极和积极的差异。19.文化意识文化意识包括:①了解英语中最简单的称谓语、问候语和告别语;②对一般的赞美、请求等能做出适当的反应;③知道国际上最重要的文娱和体育活动的名称,如:football, basketball ④掌握英语国家中最常见的饮料和商品的名称;⑤知道主要英语国家的首都和国旗;⑥了解英语国家中重要的节假日,如:Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day ⑦了解世界上主要国家的重要标志物,如:美国纽约的自由女神像,悉尼歌剧院等。20.教师绩效指标育人管理成效: 教学科研成效: 协同工作成效:二、简答题1、阅读理解部分在教学中的作用是:复习巩固本单元的主要语言点,适当扩展语言,增大语言的输入量。2、学生在真实的语言环境中学习语言,可以直接感受到语言的交际用途,了解所学语言应该在什么情况下使用,这样就把语言的学习和语言的运用自然而有机地结合起来。教师在设计任务时应该同时设计在完成该任务时所存在的相应语言环境,学生在自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中更能有效地表达,出色地发挥,从而更高质量地完成任务。3、一个完整的教案应包括以下几个部分:课题和课时、教学内容和教学目标、教学重点和难点、课前准备、教学环节、课内外作业、板书设计和教学反思。4、教师设计板书时要注意让板书能体现教学目标、教学重点和难点,有利于课堂教学,并通过合理布局,颜色对比,体现视觉美。5、形成性评价方式包括:学生学习档案、各种学习活动的情况记录、小组共同完成任务报告、教师观察学生课上各种活动表现的记录、学生阶段性地对自己在英语听说读写技能发展方面的认识和评价、学生对自己努力程度以及学习效果关系的评价或认识、同学相互间对努力程度以及学习效果关系的评价或认识、阶段测验结果及反思等。


发布时间:2019-04-28 08:13:18[析] in his fifties 50多岁时,而in the fiflies 在50年代。[误] There are about two thousands workers in our factory.[正] There are about two thousand workers in our factory?[析] 几千,几百的表达法是基数词加thousand或加hundred,而且均不要加s。这样的单位还有dozen(打), score (20年)等。[误] In the morning there are hundred of old people walking in the park.[正] In the morning there are hundreds of old people walking in the park.[析] 当表达数百,数千时,要用hundreds of和thousands of 这一结构。[误] The class begins at eight a. m.[正] The class begins at 8 a. m.[析] 与符号或与缩写的字母连用时一定要用数字,如:43%, 67?, No.2[误] Two?fifth of the books are sold out.[正] Two?fifths of the books are sold out.[析] 分数表示法,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,但分子大于1时,分母要在序数词后?加s。[误] Tom was born on July eighteen.[正] Tom was born on July eighteenth.[析] 月日的表达法有美语和英语两种。 美语 July 18 读作 July eighteenth 英语 July 18th 读作 July the eighteenth[误] I"ll go to school at 7∶30 a. m. in the morning.[正] I"ll go to school at 7∶30 a. m/ at 7∶30 in the morning.[析] a. m 即表达在早上之意,不要再用in the morning.[误] The film will begin at three quarters past one.[正] The film will begin at one quarter to two.[析] 大于30分钟时不要使用past,而要用差多少不到几点的to来表达。[误] Three time three is nine.[正] Three times three is nine.[析] times 此处作为 乘 讲一定要加s。 英语中乘除法表达式如下:算法 种类 例 句加法 一般 Five and six is eleven.正式 Five plus six is (equals) eleven.减法 一般 Eight take away four leaves (is) four.Four from Eight leaves (is) four.正式 Eight minus four equals (is) four.乘法 一般 Three fours are twelve 3 4=12正式 Three times four equals (is) twelve.一般 Two in to four is two.正式 Four divided by two equals two.


发布时间:2019-04-29 08:47:57常见名词考点透析一、单、复数名词的正确使用[例] They have all sorts of course.[析] 英语中,名词有单数、复数或不可数的形式。本题中的course是可数名词,意指 课程 ,故应用复数形式courses。二、仅以复数形式出现的名词[例] Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day![析] Many happy returns of the day! 是一句固定的生日祝语,相当于汉语的 祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝! returns 在此处便是约定俗成的用法。除这一结构外,像shake hands with (= shake sb s hand), make friends with和change seats / trains / buses等常用的结构,及thanks, cheers, congratulations, things(情况), affairs, feelings, as follows(如下), in tears, in ruins, in pieces, in chains(被囚禁), in high spirits, in one s teens / twenties, in the 1990 s (或in the 1990s), into halves, good manners, give one s regards / best wishes to, make contributions to, make preparations for等,也都是常用或只用复数的名词式。三、纯粹不可数名词的使用[例] I m glad you have made such a great progress that...[析] 在英语中,有些名词, 如advice(建议), news, information, fun, weather, progress, homework, housework等,无论在什么情况下都是不可数的,所以这些词没有复数形式,也不可把其与不定冠词连用。可见,such a great progress 使用有误(须改为such great progress)。再例: She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when she smelt something burning. 由于homework为不可数名词,所以,作业再多,也无复数。四、转义名词的考查热点[例] When you finish reading the book, you will have ______ better understanding of ______ lifeA. a; the B. the; a C. 不填; the D. a; 不填[析] 本题旨在考查考生对understanding和life这两个名词可数性的界定:understanding已为转义用法,life在此泛指 人生 ,是不可数名词,故而便可正确选用冠词D。