
发布时间:2019-04-28 09:25:44[误] A lot of French wines are made of grape.[正] A lot of French wines are made from grape.[析] made of 是指由原材料到成品过程中原材料未发生质地的变化,而发生了某种变化则要用from,如:The desk was made of hard wood.[误] This is a good dictionary in English grammar.[正] This is a good dictionary on English grammar.[析] 关于某方面的书籍、报告等有两个介词,其中on表示某专业用书,about则为某方面的普通读物,如:This is a book about physics.即物理科普知识。[误] Do you have the key of the door.[正] Do you have the key to the door.[析] key to the door门的钥匙。相同用法还有answer to the question, entrance to the highway, danger to health.千万不要用of。[误] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest of collecting stamps.[正] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest in collecting stamps.[析] have interest in是在某方面有兴趣。[误] I didn"t do my homework, so the teacher was angry to me.[正] I didn"t do my homework, so the teacher was angry with me.[析] be angry with其后接人,而be angry at其后接事。如:He was angry at what she said.


发布时间:2019-05-08 12:40:551、社会本位教育目的论的代表人物是( )A、涂尔干B、卢梭C、赞可夫D、福禄培尔答案:A2、《中华人民共和国义务教育法》规定义务教育和基础教育阶段,学校教育必须做到 两个全面 ,即( )A、全面普及义务教育,全面扫除青壮年文盲B、全面进行教育改革,全面发展职业教育C、全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面提高教育质量D、全面发展,面向全体答案:D3、 学问之道无他,求其放心而已矣 观点的提出者是_____ ( )A、孔子B、孟子C、荀子D、庄子答案:B4、 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 ,这句话反映了下列哪种因素对人发展的影响( )A、环境B、遗传C、教育D、社会活动考试用书答案:A