
发布时间:2017-06-30 11:21:36For every 10 men who died in battle in the Civil War, two or three of them died of disease. Doctors of that time knew very little about causes of sickness or ways of preventing it. Thousands of men in poor health became soldiers. Hundreds of others had never had childhood diseases. Many of these soldiers could not withstand the epidemics(传染病)of measles(麻疹), mumps(肋腺炎), and whooping cough that went through the camps.Army life was hard. Soldiers got few fruits or vegetables. There was no milk unless they happened to find a cow. Neither their clothes nor their shelters protected the troops from rain, snow, and cold. Sickness and disease were spread by insects, rats, and impure drinking water. Often the men drank straight from muddy streams.Gunshot wounds were serious, as in any war, but they did not cause as much death and suffering as disease did.1. Disease caused _______.A. only a few deaths B. fewer deaths than wounds didC. more deaths than wounds did D. both A and B2. Doctors at the time of the Civil War knew _______.A. a lot about curing disease B. little about the causes of diseaseC. only how to prevent disease D. both B and C3. Men who were accepted as Civil War soldiers were _______.A. known to have already had measles and mumpsB. required to be in perfect healthC. able to withstand epidemics easilyD. sometimes in poor health4. Insects and rats were dangerous because they _______.A. destroyed food B. carried diseaseC. made the water impure D. ruined the soldiers clothing5. The best title for this selection is _______.A. DiseaseB. The Greatest Danger in the Civil WarC. Insects, Rats, and Gunshot WoundsD. The History of Epidemics


1、数量詞+くらい/~ぐらい解説:前接数量词表示大致的时间和数量,带有 数量上偏少或程度上偏低 的语感。可译为 大约 左右 等。※ ぐらい 和 くらい 意思一样,前者用得更多。例:2万円ぐらいの背広がほしいのですが 。① 銀行には、すこしぐらいのお金が残っている。② その人なら、五分ぐらい前にホテルを出ました。2、数量词+ほど解説:前接数量词,表示大致的时间和数量,和 ぐらい 的意思基本一样。但带有 数量或程度上偏高 的语感。故不会接 少し・わずか 等词。可译为 将近 左右 等。例:あと一週間ほど経てば、学校が始まる。① 駅まで5、6キロほどある。② この車は省エネルギーで、1リットルのガソリンで40キロほど走るそうだ。3、数量词+ばかり解説:表示大致的时间和数量,不强调数量多还是少,属较客观的说明。可译为 大概 左右 等。例:肉まんを四つばかりください。① この橋の長さは50メートばかりあります。② このようなコンビには、家の近くに三箇所ばかりあります。③ 国慶節は一周間ばかり休みになります。※数量词+ばかり不能用于表示时刻和日期,这时要用ごろ/ぐらい 。3時ばかりに行きます。○ 3時ごろ/ぐらいに行きます。6日ばかりに旅行に行きます。○ 6日ごろに旅行に行きます。★ くらい ほど ばかり 意思相似,但くらい的说法口语性较强。※ほど还表示比较的基准(ここはあそこほど静かでない)。在表示大致数量的意思时,可以置换成ぐらい/くらい。Ⅱ 添加