
发布时间:2017-06-30 11:18:46Sport is very popular in England. In other words lots of English people like the idea of sport. A lot watch sport on TV. But the number who take part in sport is quite small. On the whole English people prefer to be fat rather than thin.The most popular sport in England is football. Football is played on Saturday afternoon in most towns and the supporters of a certain team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are four divisions(级别) of the football league. Not surprisingly the best teams are in the first division. But the best supporters are often in the fourth division. You have to be a good supporter to watch the fourth division football!Many other sports are also played in England, such as golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; basketball, in which you try to get a ball through a net; tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent(对手) can not hit it. As you see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport.Actually, that is not quite true. Athletics(田径) isn t played with a ball; nor horseracing. Perhaps that is why they are not as popular as football!1. _______ is the most popular sport in England.A. Basketball B. Football C. Golf D. Tennis2. You have to be a good supporter to watch _______ division football.A. the first B. the second C. the third D. the fourth3. Why do many English people not take part in sport?A. They are too busy. B. They like watching sport on TV.C. They would like to be fat. D. They prefers to be thin.4. Why are English people interested in sport?A. They have their football team.B. The sport games are played on Saturday afternoon.C. They like the idea of sport.D. They like the famous players.


发布时间:2017-06-17 23:11:54第八章一、判断题(判断对错并改正)1.注册会计师在对某年度营业收入实施截止测试时,应当以该年度的销售发票为起点,以检查是否高估营业收入。 ( )[答案][解析]检查出是否高估营业收入,应以帐簿记录为起点。2.注册会计师为了确信全部发运凭证均已归档,可以通过检查发运凭证来查明。( )3.如果函证的应收账款无差异,则表明全部应收账款余额正确。( )4.在对主营业务收入进行截止测试时,若以销售发票的日期为起点,可以按照会计处理的顺序追查账簿记录,从而防止少计收入。( )5.对应收账款进行审计时,注册会计师应提请被审计单位协助,在应收账款明细表上标出至审计时已收回的应收账款金额。( )二、单项选择题1. Y公司2008年12月20日记录的一笔大额主营业务收入,经审查原始凭证发现,发票开具日期为12月20日,出库单和发运凭证均在2009年1月20日,但货款已收到。对此A注册会计师询问了有关人员,得到的答复是,按合同应于12月发货,但因某些特殊情况将发货日推迟到1月20日。下面是A注册会计师可能采取的措施,正确的是( )。A.可以确认收入,无需进行调整B.不能确认收入,应以发货日期为收入的确认日C.应实施追加审计程序,以得到进一步的证实D.如果Y公司不作适当的调整,由于金额重大,出具保留意见的审计报告2.为了证实已发生的销售业务是否均已登记入账,最有效的作法是( )。A.只审查销售日记账 B.由日记账追查有关原始凭证C.只审查有关原始凭证 D.由有关原始凭证追查销售日记账3.由信用管理部门批准赊销这一控制政策与之相关的认定是( )。A.存在 B.完整性 C.计价和分摊 D.分类和可理解性4.在对询证函的以下处理方法中,正确的是( )。A.在粘封询证函时进行统一编号B.寄发询证函,并将重要的询证函复制给被审计单位进行催收C.有10封询证函直接交给被审计单位的业务员,由其到被询证单位盖章后取回D.有10封询证函要求被询证单位传真至被审计单位,并将原件盖章后寄至会计师事务所5. Y公司在2008年12月11日销售一批商品,增值税专用发票上注明的售价20 000元,增值税额3 400元。现金折扣的条件为:2/10、l/20、n/30(假定计算折扣时不考虑增值税)。12月19日付款23 000元,其中400元为现金折扣。2009年3月15日该商品在审计结束前退回,Y公司退回货款,注册会计师的建议调整意见正确的是( )。(注:不考虑成本的调整及其他税金、各种准备、分配的影响)A.调整2009年的会计账目借:以前年度损益调整 19 658应交税金 应交增值税(销项税额) 3 342贷:银行存款 23 000B.调整2008年的会计账目借:主营业务收入 20 000应交税费 应交增值税(销项税额) 3 400贷:银行存款 23 400C.调整2008的财务报表借:主营业务收入 19 658应交税费 应交增值税(销项税额) 3 342贷:其他应付款 23 000D.调整2008的财务报表借:营业收入 20 000应交税费 应交增值税(销项税额) 3 400贷:其他应付款 23 000财务费用 400三、多项选择题1.某注册会计师负责对A公司20 8年度财务报表进行审计。请代注册会计师做出正确的专业判断。为保证所有的产品销售均已入账,A公司下列控制活动中与这一控制目标直接相关的有( )。A.对销售发票进行顺序编号并复核当月开具的销售发票是否均已登记入账B.检查销售发票是否经适当的授权批准C.将每月产品发运数量与销售入账数量相核对D.定期与客户核对应收账款余额2.在对特定会计期间主营业务收入进行审计时,注册会计师应重点关注的与被审计单位主营业务收入确认有密切关系的日期包括( )。A、销售截止测试实施日期 B、发票开具日期或者收款日期C、记账日期 D、发货日期或提供劳务日期3.注册会计师在确定函证对象时,下列债务人中,应作为主要选择对象的是( )。A.欠款金额占全部应收账款的20% B.欠款时间已达两年以上C.持有被审计单位30%的股权 D.与被审计单位为同一董事长4.证实销售与收款循环中有关发生认定审计的证据是( )。A.商品价目表B.销货单C.发运凭证D.销售发票