
发布时间:2019-04-10 09:55:36中公教育解析:贯彻 三个代表 重要思想,关键在坚持与时俱进,核心在坚持党的先进性,本质在坚持执政为民。故本题说法错误。中公教育解析:规定性通知是上级机关对某一事项做出具体或原则规定时使用的。当发文内容含有一定的 指示 意味,但又不宜使用其他下行文(如决定)时,可采用这种通知。排除A项。布置性通知是用来布置工作、安排活动或某些事项的通知。由于这种通知经常用于布置开展某项工作,安排工作中的具体事务等,因而也叫工作通知。这种通知除布置重要工作的外,可在得到本机关授权的情况下,由其办公厅(室)或职能部门向下级机关发送。B项符合题意。告知性通知亦称知照性通知、事务性通知。这是向下级机关或有关单位、部门告知某些事项的通知。告知性通知内容非常广泛,机构、人事调整,启用、作废公章,机关单位隶属关系变更,名称变更,迁址办公,变更电话号码等,都可以使用这种通知。这种通知仍是下行文,但目前还常见平行发送的。排除C项。发布性通知主要用来发布(印发)法规、规章,也可用于发布(印发)其他文书,如领导重要讲话、规划、方案及审定事项等。这类通知所发布(印发)的法规规章及方案等,是由本机关制定或授权制订的。通知标题中的发布词,高层行政机关多用 发布 ,党的组织通常用 印发 ,其他机关单位均宜用 印发 。故本题答案选择B项。中公教育解析:外部性是指某种经济活动给予这项活动无关的第三方带来的影响。本题中钢铁厂给生产无关的第三方(养鱼场)带来的污染,则属于外部性的一种。而外部性是市场失灵的重要原因之一。故本题选A。


发布时间:2019-05-05 20:38:2811.If only I ( A ) that was the last chance I could talk to her.I would have said to her, Hi,my dearest mom! I love you .A had know B know C have known D knew12.---Have you found the information about famous people ( A ) you can use for the report?---Not yet,I 11 search some on the Internet.A which B whom C what D who13.The two generations, It is often not their age, ( D ) their education that causes misunder standing.A like B as C or D but14.---It s a long time since I saw my sister.----( A )A why not visit B why not to visit C why not visiting D why don t visit15.---Was it not until last week ( B ) he decided to give up smoking?---No,He began he saw the news film last month.A when; as soon B that; immediately C did; that D that; till16.---Don t be angry with your students when they make mistakes again,will you?No,I won t I know that ( A ) of us are perfelt after allA none B neither C each D all17.---Why do you conect so many old bikes?---I 11 have them ( C ) and give away to the children who don t have bikesA used up B given up C fixed up D set up18.---Could you please tell ( D ) ?---Go up stairs and turn left.A what is the teacher s office B what the teacher s office isC where is the teacher s office D where the teacher s office is19.All ( C ) has alreadly been done.A can be done B should be done C that can be done D what should be done20.Hardly ( ) come into the room ( A )the meeting began.A had they;when B they had;when C did they;than D they did;then