
发布时间:2017-07-10 19:25:41Those would be welcome changes according to Georgetown University labor economist Tony Carnevale, who says school has to be less expensive and more focused on skills needed by employers. It"s really quite clear that more and more people need post-secondary education and training and a lot of them aren"t getting it. And in cases where they do get it, it doesn"t lead to gainful employment. Or it leads to jobs where they don"t fullyuse their talents and so and we don"t have enough money to buy our way out of this, and so the efficiency of post-secondaryinstitutions is crucial now. College marketing expert Chris Cullen of the Infinia company says competition from online alternatives and concern about costs will change universities. The consumer demands that you tell me why, give me a reason, to believe that my money, my tuition money is best spent at your institution. What is the return on my investment? What"s your value proposition? Cullen says top schools with strong reputationsmay expand in an online world, but less selective, less prestigiousuniversities may struggle to attractstudents and their tuitionpayments.乔治城大学的劳动经济学家托尼 加内维尔认为这些变化将会深得民心。他说学校不仅要降低学费,还要更加注重培养学生各项技能,以迎合雇主需要。 很明显越来越多的人需要高级教育和培训,但很多人都求之而不得。即便真的能得到培训,他们也找不到一份能赚钱的工作,又或者做与自己的专长不对口的工作。我们没有足够的钱来解决这个问题,所以高等教育的质量现在可谓是至关重要。 因芬尼亚公司的院校市场推广专家克里斯 卡伦说,源自非传统性网络教育的竞争与对学费的考虑会让大学改变策略。 消费者会问: 你告诉我为什么,给我一个原因,让我相信我的钱用在你这里是最划算的。我投资的回报是什么?你的价值定位是什么? 卡伦说享有盛誉的顶尖名校也许会进军网络,但是冷门的、名望低的一些大学则会为能吸引学生,赚取学费而焦头烂额。