
一、数量关系转变思维 一辆车从甲地到乙地,如果把车速提高20%,那么可以比原定时间提前1小时到达;如果以原速行驶100千米后,再将车速提高30%,那么也比原定时间提前1小时到达。问甲、乙两地的距离是()千米。


2019军队文职人员招聘行政职业能力测验试题之巧辨同比和环比。同比和环比是资料分析中常见的两种增长方式,很多同学对于这两种增长方式了解和掌握并不好,以至于如果题目中同时出现同比和环比时候容易混淆,找不到正确的数据,导致题目做错,接下来就带大家来仔细甄别一下这两种增长方式。 一、概念 同比:与最大的时间概念向过去循环一个周期做比较。 环比:与最小的时间概念向过去循环一个周期做比较。 举例:2017年12月 在这个时间概念里,出现了两个时间概念,分别为年和月,根据常识,我们知道较大的时间概念为年,较小的时间概念为月,所以,同比就是把较大的时间概念2017年向前循环一个周期即为2016年,即2017年12月的同比为2016年12月;

易错点:2017年一季度同比为2016年一季度,环比为2016年4季度 通过上述的讲解,大家对于同比是没有什么疑问的,但是对于环比,很多同学可能会有疑问,为什么大时间和小时间概念都会发生变化,其实,我们根据定义出发,季度和年相比的话,是属于较小的时间概念,那么一季度往前循环一个周期就会变成上一年的四季度,此时,就会导致两个时间都会发生变化,但是是符合我们对于环比的定义的,这一点需要引起同学们得注意。 接下来,通过一个表格让同学们对同比和环比。


发布时间:2017-06-27 20:27:20As is illustrated in the cartoon, each person sits in their own work room. In front of them is a computer. Everyone looks at the screen carefully, and communicate with their colleagues through the net instead of talking face to face. Their work places are placed like a net. And below the cartoon, there is a topic which says: the near and far among the Internet.From the cartoon, we can conclude that the cartoonist wants to convey such a message: with the popularity of computers, people from all over the world become nearer by using the Internet to communicate with each other. Meanwhile, people also become far away from their friends. All of us accept the fact that the development of the internet brings lots of conveniences to our daily life, for instance, we can buy a book on the net instead of going to a bookstore. Besides, we can communicate with our friends on the net without going out of home. But we can t ignore the other side of these: the time we spend with friends or family becomes less. And we hardly see them once in a week. It will make us feel lonely if we continue to use the tool on the net to talk with friends instead of talking with them on the phone or going out with them.To my best understanding, we should use the net to communicate with each other in a proper way. It is just a tool when we really need it to serve us. If we want to keep our friendship more effectively, we should spend more time with them in our real life. Only in this way can we not only make full use of the communication tool on the net but also make our friendship stronger.