
发布时间:2017-06-29 10:53:32Sir Edmund Hillary is famous for being the first person to climb Mt. Everest (n. 珠穆朗玛峰).What many people do not know is that Sir Hillary did not make it to the top of Everest the first time he tried. The first attempt was a complete failure. His climbing party encountered one problem after another and more than half his climbing party died.Nonetheless (adv. 虽然如此), the British Parliament (n. 议会) decided to honor him with some type of award. When he entered the chamber to receive his award, Sir Hillary saw that a large picture of Everest had been setup.During the standing ovation (n. 热烈欢迎) that he was receiving, he walked over to the picture, shook his fist at it and said, You won, this time. But you are as big as you are ever going to get. And I"m still growing.We frequently hear the stories of people who have succeeded. And we frequently assume that they succeeded the first time.But in fact it"s the exact opposite.The road to success is paved with the bricks of failure.埃德蒙 希拉里爵士是登上珠穆朗玛峰的第一人,他因此而闻名天下。然而,很多人并不知道,希拉里爵士第一次试着攀登珠穆朗玛峰时并未成功登顶。第一次登山以彻底的失败而告终。他们接二连三遇到问题,登山队中超过半数的人都丧生了。尽管如此,英国议会还是决定授予他某种奖励。希拉里爵士走进议会大厅领奖时,看到里面竖着一幅很大的珠穆朗玛峰的画。大家起立热烈欢迎希拉里爵士,这时他走到画跟前,冲画挥动了一下拳头,说道: 你这次赢了。但是你就这么高,再也不会长,而我还在长。我们常常听到成功人士的故事。我们常常以为他们第一次就成功了。但事实恰恰相反。成功之路是由失败之砖垫就的。