
发布时间:2019-05-11 14:16:111.幼儿园与社区合作的基本要求有哪些?(1)经常性;(2)地方性;(3)简便性;(4)互利性;(5)教育性;(6)幼儿园、社区和家庭教育一体化的原则。2.简述传统的气质类型划分。(1)胆汁质;(2)多血质;(3)粘液质;(4)抑郁质。3.新时期幼儿园双重任务有哪些特点?(1)国家对幼儿身心素质的培养提出了更高的要求;(2)家长希望幼儿园提供更广泛、更多样化的服务;(3)家长对幼儿园的教育保育质量有更高的要求。4.幼儿推理的发展有哪些特点?(1)推理过程随年龄增长而发展(2)推理过程可划分为四级水平(3)儿童推理方式由展开式向简约式转化。5.埃斯沃斯把幼儿的依恋划分为哪几种类型?(1)安全型;(2)回避型;(3)反抗型。6.简述幼儿教师应具备哪些职业能力。(1)观察力;(2)沟通的能力;(3)组织分组活动的能力;


发布时间:2019-05-09 13:02:27一、选择题1、下列对运动技能的描述错误的是( )A、一般的随意作出的动作也包含着运动技能B、运动技能称为动作技能C、运动技能是在不断练习的基础上形成的D、支持技能使动作表现出精确性、协调性、稳定性等特点答案:A2、在操场上跑步属于( )A、间断型运动技能B、粗放型运动技能C、开放型运动技能D、器械型运动技能答案:B3、在幼儿运动技能的发展中,对4 5岁的幼儿在跑的要求是( )A、 上体稍前倾,两手半握拳,两臂屈肘在体侧前后自然摆动。B、 用前脚掌着地,重心手稳的跑。C、 上体正直,两臂屈肘放在体侧,自然迈开步子跑。D、 跑步时上下肢互相配合,摆臂、协调、轻松的跑。答案:D4、下列说法正确的是( )A、 要求4 5岁的幼儿能用均匀的步伐有节奏的行走。B、 要求3 4岁的幼儿两脚单脚跳着走C、 要求4 5岁的幼儿两脚能换着轻轻地跳着走D、 要求3 4岁的幼儿能从30CM的高处跳下来。答案:C


发布时间:2017-06-29 11:47:06一 起始段落It goes without saying that the issue of A has caused wide public concern at present. According to a recent survey made by some experts, as many as 60%-80% (这个数据可以根据情况变动)of the college students have such experiences of A. In addition,the survey also shows that an increasing number of people are interested in A.(A 根据考题要求进行更换)1对于分析原因,可归结为三个万能原因:经济发展、政策推动、法律制定,以不变应万变What caused this remarkable phenomenon? Personally, there are at least three premier factors contributing to it. To begin with, the government has been forwarding the policy to A. Furthermore, the increased income resulting from economic growth plays a cardinal(主要的,重要的) part in the changes. Finally, the authorities concerned have made proper regulations to A.2另一个是正反观点When asked about their opinion on A, people always response differently. The overwhelming majority of people deem that A is not the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. They are of the attitude that a certain amount of A is vital in life. On the contrary, there are many other people who hold that A does harm to individuals/society. In conformity to them, B, the opposite of A, is essential and necessary to individuals/society.三 结尾段落这部分有的要求是提出对策,有的要求是趋势分析1提出对策,原因找出来了要提出解决方案,对应为三个万能措施:政府立法、提高意识、认识价值In conclusion, it is imperative for us to take effective measures to reverse the disturbing phenomenon. To begin with, we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control A. Furthermore, we should enhance the awareness of people about A. Finally, we should bring home to people the value of A. Only in this way can we .Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty, and we will have a brighter future.2结尾的另一个写法是趋势分析。From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclusion that . With the further growth in economy and more changes in our consciousness, the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the better direction.