
发布时间:2017-12-28 21:57:56Topic 6: Space travel to the Moon is often cited as one giant leap for mankind. Yet some people argue that this achievement made little difference to our daily lives. What is your opinion?登月的重要性体现在三方面,科学(science )、开发思维(inspiration }和能源(resources ):科学调查:提供一个平台去观察宇宙(observe the universe) 如何结合人和机器探索行星表面 (combine efforts of both humans and machines in exploring a planetary surface);开发思维:激发人们的想像力(trigger imagination),敢于面对新领域的未知因素和挑战(confronting unknowns and challenges on new frontiers);用于探索月球的科技可以转为民用 (converted for civil use),促进科技发展;能源开发:月球上有水存在 (Water exists in the dark and cold regions near the poles of the Moon.),可以开发能源。反对登月的可能意见:消耗资源和时间(consume resources and take time),而没太大的效果(benefits are limited);分散政府和公众在一些更重要事情上的注意力(distract the government and the public from some more significant issues)范文The idea of travelling through space, even living and working on other planets, has fascinated people for centuries. Despite numerous setbacks and daunting expenditures, travelling in the outer space has never failed to attract people"s attention and provoke controversy. Sixty years after the first Moon landing, people question whether the feat, previously thought of as a giant leap for mankind, has substantially benefited people"s lives. In my opinion, landing on the Moon has enormous relevance for the quality of life, albeit not always explicit.The first implication of Moon landing is reflected in the likelihood of travelling on other planets. Moon, as the object in the outer space closet to the Earth, can serve as a launch site for the journeys to other planets. Having no atmosphere, the Moon is a permanent base for people to observe the universe easily and provide them with sufficient evidence they require for decision making on a great many significant issues, which are likely to have direct impact on them. For example, one can learn more about the treat of potentially hazardous objects that are Likely to hit the Earth and destroy our civilization.Another remarkable breakthrough made by the Moon landing is that it reignites people"s enthusiasm in the natural sciences. When today"s youths become increasingly interested in such subjects as commerce, finance and business, space exploration successfully attracts and retains talents in space-related technologies. These young minds are convinced that travelling the unknown of the universe is feasible , despite many challenges. They are inspired to think for the future, instead of being preoccupied with contemporary issues only.It should also be noted that the Moon has water, the basic resource for people"s survival, and it abounds in solar energy, a clean and readily obtainable resource. It is also believed that minerals are plentiful there to be exploited. Some day, if people are forced to move off the Earth, the Moon might be the best shelter. Although people have not yet fully explored this possibility at this stage, preliminary investigation is imperative.Based on the above-mentioned facts, one can conclude that the Moon landing greatly impacts on distant future, although its effect is not apparent for the time being. The Moon is the eventual gateway to other planets and potentially the place of residence for the future generations. The scientific knowledge and economic benefits to be gained by building a sustainable Moon base are huge.近义词表1. feat=achievement=accomplishment :成就 2. relevance=significance=importance=weight:重要性3. explicit=overt:明显的 4. observe=watch=monitor:观察5. unravel=find an answer to=work out:揭开,解开 6. unknown=mysterious=unfamiliar; 神秘的,未知的7. feasible=practicable=viable=practical=realistic:可行的,实际的8. obtainable=available=accessible:可以获寻的,可以得到的 9. preliminary=initial= preceding:最初的; 初步的10. imperative=necessary=essential=critical=vital:必要的,关键的11. for the time being=for now=for the moment:现在,暂时 12. gateway=entry=doorway=access: 入口 ,通道


2019解放军文职招聘考试药剂学知识点归纳:药物剂型与制剂的重要性发布时间:2019-02-20 19:21:34首先,先来了解一下药物剂型的重要性有哪些。它分为6点,然后我们一点一点的分析一下。1.可改变药物的作用性质。比如说硫酸镁,口服剂型下是泻下药,但是如果5%注射液静脉滴注的话,能抑制大脑中枢神经,具有镇静,解痉作用。2.可调节药物的作用速度。如注射剂,吸入气雾剂,发挥药效很快,常用于急救;而丸剂,植入剂等属于长效制剂,医生可按疾病治疗的需要选用不同作用速度的剂型。3.可降低(消除)药物的不良反应。这点主要制成缓释与控释制剂来一定程度上降低某些药物的不良反应。4.可产生靶向作用。这点大家都知道,现在很多抗癌药就是研究它的剂型来提高药物本身的靶向作用。5.可提高药物的稳定性。常识告诉我们同种药物的固体剂型的稳定性要远高于液体剂型。6.可影响疗效。药物晶型,粒子大小不同也可直接影响药物的释放,从而影响药物的治疗效果。那么接下来我们要学习一下制剂的配伍问题。首先了解下什么是配伍变化。只药物合并使用后,发生协用拮抗或毒副作用。关于这个问题,大家主要要了解3各方面即物理性,化学性和药理性。A.口服给药B.注射给药C.皮肤给药D.鼻腔给药E.肺部给药