
发布时间:2017-07-10 19:18:09Heydemann says Kerry"s legislative career gives him more diplomatic freedom. It seems to me he feels that, coming out of a long career in the Senate, that he is in a somewhat different position than Secretary Clinton was in taking this slightly more independent, more assertive role. Secretary Clinton spent much of her time boosting U.S. diplomatic and commercial ties in Asia.American University Professor Pek Koon Heng says Kerry will have an easier time. Secretary Clinton has basically paved the way for Secretary Kerry to have more value added, you know, in the impact of policies that the U.S., we know, that will see in the coming months.Heng expects Kerry will advance Washington"s so-called Asia Pivot. But his first official trip abroad was designed to consult with traditional U.S. allies in Europe and deal with longstanding problems in the Middle East.With some diplomatic ties strained by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Steve Heydemann says Kerry has an opportunity to build on international cooperation. Secretary Kerry is very much aligned with the view of the White House and of Secretary Clinton about the value of diplomacy, about the value of working with allies, about avoiding the kind of unilateralism that defined foreign policy under the previous administration. Kerry will accompany President Obama to the Middle East later this monthHeydemann说,克里在立法机构的职业生涯给予了他更多外交上的自由。 在我看来,由于在参议院为时已久,他似乎感觉自己与希拉里克林顿处于不同的位置 扮演着略为更加独立,更加积极的角色。 希拉里克林顿花了很多时间来增进美国和亚洲国家的外交和商业关系。美国大学的Pek Koon教授说,克里的工作会很轻松。 国务卿克林顿已经基本为国务卿克里铺好了道路,克里会有更多的附加值,在政策的影响下,我们在不久的未来就可以看见(这个效果)。 Heng预计克里会推动美国所谓的亚洲枢纽政策。但是他的第一次出国访问的目的是与美国的欧洲盟友协商解决有关中东地区的一些长期问题。对于一些由于伊拉克和阿富汗战争而外交关系紧张的国家,Steve Heydemann 说克里有机会建立国际合作关系。国务卿克里与白宫以及国务卿克林顿在外交价值观上非常一致,在同盟国合作价值观乃至避免之前政府所倡导的单边主义的外交政策也是不谋而合的。 在本月底,克里会与奥巴马总统一起前往中东地区。