
发布时间:2019-04-28 08:04:52[答案] 1? D 2? C 3? B 4? A 5? C6? B 7? B 8? D 9? B 10? D11? D 12? A 13? C 14? B 15? C16? B 17? A 18? A 19? D 20? CWe were going to play a team from a country school? They didn"t come until the game time arrived? They looked ____ 1 ____ than we had thought? They were wearing dirty blue jeans (仔裤) and looked like farm boys? We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before? We all sat down? We felt that we didn"t ____ 2 ____ any practice (训练) against a team like that? It was already so late that no ____ 3 ____ could be given to them for a warm?up? The game began? One of our boys ____ 4 ____ the ball and he shot (掷) a long pass to our forward (前锋)? From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty T?shirt ____ 5____ the pass and with a beautiful form (姿势) he shot and got two points (分)? They ____ 6 ____ us? Then they got another ____ 7____ of points in a minute? Soon it was all over? The country team ____ 8____ us? We certainly learned that even though a team is good, there is usually another ____ 9 ____ a little better? But the important lesson learned was: One can"t tell a man, or a team, by the ____10 ____1? A? stronger B? younger C? worse D? less2? A? get B? try C? use D? need3? A? basket B? space C? ball D? time4? A? got B? played C? missed D? carried5? A? caught B? changed C? started D? stopped6? A? surprised B? kept C? broke D? hit7? A? half B? pair C? group D? double8? A? won B? saved C? beat D? joined9? A? just B? already C? about D? almost10? A? T?shirts B? clothes C? places D? points[答案] 1? C 2? D 3? D 4? A 5? D6? A 7? B 8? C 9? A 10? B


发布时间:2019-04-28 11:34:0128.The murderer was brought in, with his hands_____ behind his back.A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied29.How about the two of us_____ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking30.The computer centre, _____ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened31.Charles Babbage is generally considered _____ the first computer.A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented32.The discussion, _________ tomorrow afternoon, will be about environmental protection.A. to take place B. to be taken place C. to be taking place D. taking33.The girls, ________ right now how to dress themselves at important parties, will take dancing lessons for the next two weeks.A. taught B. having taught C. to be taught D. being taught34.With a surprised look, James seemed _________ about this before.A. to never hear B. never to have heard C. never to hear D. never having heard