发布时间:2017-07-18 17:39:36运动技能是指人体在运动中掌握和有效地完成专门动作的能力。课的密度是指课中各种活动合理运用的时间与课的总时间的比例。运动密度(练习密度):体育课中学生做练习的总时间与课的总时间的比例。运动动力定型:大脑皮质运动中枢内支配的部分肌肉活动的神经元在机能上进行排列组合,兴奋和抑制在运动中枢内有顺序地、有规律地和有严格时间间隔地交替发生,形成了一个系统,成为一定的形式和格局,使条件反射系统化。大脑皮质机能的这种系统性就称为运动动力定型动作自动化:所谓自动化,就是练习某一套动作时,可以在无意识的条件下完成。动机:人们的一切行动都是有目的的,都是受一定目的支配的,这种支配人们行为的目的,就称为是动机。固有反馈指由所要完成动作练习本身所提供的信息的反馈,如篮圈、箭靶等给练习者提供瞄准信息,这是动作练习本身要求所固有的。非固有反馈:指练习者在进行练习过程中或练习后,为了更准确的完成动作,由外部提供信息的反馈,如教师或教练员用语言、动作或某种机械刺激来提示练习者如何完成或改进动作。这是动作练习本身非固有的反馈。体育教学原则:是体育教学过程客观规律的反应,是在长期的体育教学实践积累起来的、具有普遍意义的经验的总结和概括,是体育教师进行教学工作必须遵循的准则。
发布时间:2017-06-11 14:07:15Which is more important? Knowledge or skillsA hot issue was raised recently of whether skills are more important than knowledge considering more than six hundred Chinese university will turn into professional training institutes. The college enrollment that keeps decreasing further results in growing alarms over the issue.From my perspective, such a subject is nonsense since knowledge and skills are unified and we can"t draw a line between them. Where do your skills come from? Your skills stem from what you"ve learned from books, from your life experiences and other people. You can"t learn any skills without knowledge, which, in turn, can be measured only by means of skills. There is no doubt that quite a few people of poor educational background exerted themselves and have finally made it, while in many cases, many people can"t show their abilities and skills without knowledge.If we compare accumulating knowledge to developing the ability to walk, then developing skills to the ability to jump. One can not jump high if he can"t walk stably. We are living in an era of knowledge economy, one will lose his position in the society without knowledge.