
发布时间:2017-08-27 09:24:28休眠效果(霍夫兰):在经过一段时间后,信源与观点有分离的倾向。休眠 效果(sleepereffect):低可信度信源发出的信息,由于信源可信性的负影响,其内容本身的说服力不能马上发挥,处于一种睡眠状态。经过一段时间,可信性的负影响减弱或消失以后,效果才能充分表现出来。Whitehead发现的可信度的4个主导因素(1968)1.值得信赖(trustworthiness):正确 错误;诚实 不诚实;值得信赖 不值得信赖;公正 不公正2.专业性或能力(expertness or competence):有经验的 无经验的;有专业风度的 无专业风度的3.活力:进取的 温顺的;主动的 被动的4.客观性:头脑开放的 头脑封闭的;客观的 主观的其中,前两项因素被广泛引用☆说服/态度改变的具体技巧之三:诉诸恐惧根据学习理论(Learning theory:态度是由学习得来的,态度的改变与学习同时进行),强烈的恐惧诉求会导致更多的态度变化,因为它会激励人们更多的注意、感知与学习,从而增强接受传播建议的动机恐惧诉求:大众传播中使用的一种技巧,进行威胁或者在受众中激起恐惧。经典研究:贾尼斯 费什巴赫,1953,对大一新生的牙齿卫生控制实验1.将大一新生随机分为4组,3组为实验组,1组为控制组2.实验组的讲座材料:1)第1组:轻度恐惧诉求(X光片、素描)2)第2组:中度恐惧诉求(轻微损坏的牙齿、口腔疾病)3)第3组:高度恐惧诉求(真实、严重的烂牙幻灯片)控制组的讲座材料:关于人类眼睛构造与功能3.实验前后一周,各做一次测量。前后比较可显示他们是否会因为讲座而改变牙齿卫生习惯实验结果:1.恐惧诉求所唤起的心理紧张程度与诉求的强弱顺序基本一致;2.诉求强弱顺序与说服引起的态度和行为的变化相反;3.1967年,贾尼斯综合其他研究概括出恐惧诉求与态度改变间的 倒U 形曲线模式:高恐惧信息和低恐惧信息导致少量态度改变,中等恐惧信息导致最大量的态度改变。

解放军文职招聘考试Lectures and Discussions-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

发布时间:2017-08-29 21:47:23Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Lectures or Discussions. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 一些学生赞成讲座式教学2. 另一些学生偏爱讨论式教学3. 你的看法Lectures and DiscussionsThere is a heated debate over the role of lectures and discussions in the classroom. Some people believe that lectures can help students learn more quickly. In contrast, others hold that discussions can stimulate students to learn by themselves.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that students attend more lectures. In their view, by giving lectures teachers help students master the knowledge they ve accumulated over years of study and research. However, others think that in a discussion, the teacher usually guides the students instead of dominating them. They argue that to get involved in a discussion, students have to develop their ability to analyze problems independently.In my opinion, I stand on the side of neither idea. First of all, either method has its disadvantages. Furthermore, each student has his or her preference. Thirdly, lectures ate preferable to discussions in the teaching of science subjects, and on the contrary, discussions are preferable to lectures in studying the humanities. Therefore, we should adopt different teaching methods according to different subjects.