
发布时间:2017-06-29 11:37:06(1)2003年真题。Directions:Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should:1) describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and2) point out its implications in our life.You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.真题分析:思路拓展:独生子女成长的问题在很大程度上牵涉到了中国的教育制度和教育方法等全方位的问题。我们可以联想到现阶段在教育界存在的其他热点问题,如传统灌输教育和素质教育之间的关系、孩子的学习和娱乐之间的关系、学生们的全面发展问题、教育费用和教育负担的问题、教育质量的问题、城乡教育制度差别的问题、教育公平性问题等等。这些问题都是平时政府、民众和媒体非常关注的问题,考生借助自己的大学生活背景也能够了解许多相关的情况。应该说,教育类的话题对于考生说是一个比较熟悉、也相对比较简单容易的话题。As the title indicates, greenhouse flowers cannot survive unpleasant weather , the set of pictures apparently reminds us that excessive protection only leads to negative results. When a flower blossoms in the greenhouse despite of the external rain and thunder, it withers immediately once being moved out of its cozy haven.Children in China are always compared to the flowers of our motherland . It is alarming that a large portion of them are in danger of experiencing a similar misfortune to the flower in the picture. This is partly attributed to the birth of a generation of only children , who are quite pampered and spoiled by their parents. Leading a life full of success, love and sweetness, these children are quite ignorant of failure, hardship, and the taste of tears that abound in real life. Therefore, when they leave home, they might be overly sensitive to frustration and easily suffer depression that prevents them from a happy and promising future.This type of child is not what we hope for the future of our country. On the contrary, we need to nurture a generation that is fully prepared for independent life, so that it is ready to confront any challenge, adapt to changes of environment, and survive the heated competition in today s world.正如该图的题目所显示的那样, 温室里的花朵经不起风雨 ,这组图画清楚地告诉我们过度的保护只会导致负面的结果。当外面打雷下雨的时候,一朵花却能在温室中生机勃勃地开放。可是一旦离开了这个舒适的避难所来到外面的时候,这朵花立刻就凋谢了。在中国,孩子经常被比作 祖国的花朵 。但是,令人担忧的是很多孩子有可能经历图中花朵的不幸。部分原因可以归结为 独生子女 一代的出生,这些孩子都被他们的父母惯坏了。他们的生活中只充满了成功、爱和甜蜜,而他们都不懂什么是失败、艰难,也很少尝过眼泪的滋味,但是实际生活中却是充满了失败、艰难和眼泪的。因此,他们可能会对挫折过于敏感、也很容易及沉湎于忧郁,使他们在踏入社会以后没有一个幸福和充满前景的未来。这一类孩子决不是我们国家未来需要的人才。相反,我们需要培育一代能够独立生活的孩子,他们随时准备面对任何挑战、随时适应环境的变化、并能够在现代社会的激烈竞争中生存下来。闪光词汇及词组:excessive: adj. 过度的,过分的blossom: v. 开花external: adj. 外部的wither: v. 枯萎cozy: adj. 舒适的,安逸的haven: n. 避难所a large portion of: 很大一部分misfortune: n. 不幸,灾祸abound in: 富于nurture: v. 教育,养育万能句型:The set of pictures apparently reminds us thatThis partly attributes to(2) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your points of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.不对,我的标准答案是2+1=3,扣十分As is described in the drawing, a student fails in a knowledge competition simply because his answer to one question, though being 100% correct, is not exactly the same as the so-called standard answer. It is discernable that other students are quite puzzled by why 1+2=3 is wrong while 2+1=3 is right.The drawing reminds its audience of a widespread phenomenon in the area of basic education in China, that is, educators stick blindly to fixed standards without allowing any room of flexibility or variation. Students are required to mechanically remember what is written in the books, but receive no encouragement to question, challenge, and disagree. Consequently, children s creativity is largely limited or killed, which exerts a detrimental impact on their future development, especially in the current society which puts so much emphasis on creativity, innovation, and inventiveness.As far as I am concerned, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system, where new educational concepts, such as to inspire creation, are installed. Only by new teaching methods other than stiff memorization can we cultivate children into talents who will meet the requirements that society demands. Likewise, this new tendency would also benefit educators themselves to realize their own potential.正如图中描绘的那样,一个学生在一次智力竞赛中的失败仅仅是因为他的答案和所谓的标准答案不是完全一致,尽管他的答案也是完全正确的。我们可以看到其他学生对于为什么1+2=3是错误的而2+1=3是正确的感到十分疑惑。这幅图实际上是在提醒读者在中国基础教育界存在的一个普遍的负面现象,那就是教育者盲目地坚持标准,而不提供灵活和变化的空间。老师要求学生们机械地背诵书上的知识,但是从来不鼓励学生质疑、提出挑战或者不同见解。因此,孩子们的创造力受到了限制和扼杀,这对于他们的未来发展是有害的,特别是现代社会十分强调创新性和独创性。我认为需要对教育系统进行一次全面的革新,加入一些新的教育理念,如鼓励创新等。我们只有通过新的教育方法、而不是死记硬背, 才能把孩子们培养成为适合社会要求的人才。同样,这种新的趋势对于教育者自身也是有好处的,能够使他们开发自己的潜能。闪光词汇及词组:puzzled: adj. 困惑的flexibility: n. 灵活性variation: n. 变化mechanically: adv. 机械地stiff: adj. 呆板的cultivate: v. 教育,培养likewise: adv. 同样地万能句型:It is discernable thatThe drawing reminds its audience of a widespread phenomenon in the area ofAs far as I am concerned, there needs toOnly by can we(3) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.What is delineated in front of us is a pair of parents who are eager to cultivate their little child into a well-rounded person. The poor girl seems to have a quite tight schedule, as her father is teaching her how to paint while her mother is preparing for her violin class. The dullness of the kid s eyes portrays her unwillingness and dislike to learn so many things after school.The drawing reflects a common phenomenon in China that parents are obsessed with the wish of their child s future success, which is, though, very understandable. Particularly due to the one-child policy, the only child is the greatest hope of parents and is provided with all the available resources. Meanwhile, we sadly discover that this generation of only children is deprived of what used to be the fun of childhood, like running around, playing various games with friends, and climbing trees, all of which are replaced by numerous tutoring courses and art lessons.Admittedly, an early and diversified education benefits children in exploring their potentials. Nevertheless, I strongly contend that children are entitled to enjoy a happy childhood filled with games and fun, instead of tedious classes. An appropriate extent of freedom can only do kids good, by promoting their comprehensive development both mentally and physically.呈现在我们面前的是一对急于把他们的小女儿培养成为一个通才的夫妻。这个可怜的小女孩看起来时间表排得满满的,她的父亲正在教她画画,而母亲正在为她准备小提琴课。但是,这个孩子呆滞的双眼却泄漏了她不愿意在放学之后还学这么多东西的心情。这幅图反映了一个在中国很普遍的现象,即父母们都望子成龙,尽管这是一个我们都能够理解的现象。由于独生子女政策,这些孩子们都是父母最大的希望,父母给了他们一切可以得到的资源。同时,我们却悲哀地发现这一代孩子被剥夺了属于儿童的快乐,如四处乱跑、和小朋友们玩各种游戏、爬树等,这些都被无数的辅导和训练代替了。我们承认较早的多样化教育有利于开发孩子们的潜能。但是,我强烈地认为孩子们应该拥有一个充满游戏和快乐的童年,而不只是乏味的课程。适度的自由对孩子们是有好处的,可以促进他们身体和智力上的全面发展。闪光词汇及词组:well-rounded: adj. 多才多艺的tight: adj. 紧密的be obsessed with: 专注于,专心于understandable: adj. 可理解的available: adj. 可利用的be deprived of: 被剥夺tutoring: n. 辅导be entitled to: 有 的资格tedious: adj. 单调乏味的万能句型:What is delineated in front of us isThe drawing reflects a common phenomenon(4) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.The picture shows a boy who is crossing a river by stepping on his peasant parents heads like stones. The river symbolizes the heavy financial load on rural parents to support their children s advanced education. As is quoted in the picture, a family in countryside can barely afford a high school student, not to mention a college student.The picture apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China the hiking cost of education in contrast with the tiny income of the rural population. For one thing, the problem is partially attributed to the present disparity of wealth distribution. Sometimes the college tuition per student equals the annual income of a rural family. For another, colleges and other educational institutions fail to provide financial tools to assist students from poor areas. For example, the application for scholarship and student loan is usually so complicated that the procedure seems to take forever, while students see no trace of money.In my opinion, the government needs to reform the educational system with measures that can show immediate effect. Cutting tuition and other expenses proves to be most beneficial to students. Further, a large-scale reform at the macroeconomic level to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor is a basic solution to this issue.这幅图一个男孩子正在把他的农民父母的头作为垫脚石来跨过一条河。这条河象征了农村的父母们为了供孩子们接受高等教育所承受的巨大财政负担。正如图中所说的那样,在农村养一个高中生都很困难,更不用说是大学生了。这很显然反映了在当今中国一个越来越普遍的社会现象 快速增长的教育费用和农村人口的微薄收入之家的差别。一方面,这个问题部分归咎于现有的财富分布不均。有时候一个大学生一年的学费就相当于一个农村家庭一年的收入。另一方面,大学和其他的教育机构没有通过各种各样的融资工具来帮助来自贫困地区的学生。比如说,申请奖学金和贷款的程序都非常复杂、需要花很长时间,而学生们却很难真正拿到钱。我认为,政府应该改革教育系统,采取一些立竿见影的措施。降低学费和杂费被证明是对学生最有利的。此外,解决这个问题的根本措施在于在宏观经济的层面上进行一个大规模的改革,从而缩小贫富差距。闪光词汇及词组:symbolize: v. 象征advanced education: 高等教育not to mention: 更不用说hiking: n./ v. 提高, 增加partially: adj. 部分地disparity: n. 不一致,不等wealth distribution: 财富分配tuition: 学费equal: 等于institution: n. 公共机构procedure: n. 程序,手续macroeconomic: adj. 宏观经济的bridge the gap: 缩小差距万能句型:As is quoted in the pictureThe picture apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in ChinaIn my opinion, the government needs to reform the educational system with measures that can show immediate effect.(5)Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.As we can see in the picture, a school built for migrant workers children is much shabbier and poorly furnished compared with a key public school. The two schools are geographically close to each other, which makes for a sharp contrast.There are several reasons for this phenomenon of the picture. Firstly, urban public schools always ask for sponsor fee amounting to thousands of RMB for the enrollment of a migrant student, which is quite beyond the latter s financial capacity. Secondly, migrants find difficulty in integrating with city life culturally and emotionally. They fear that local students would look down upon and bully their children. So they prefer poor schools exclusively for the migrants children. However, the teaching conditions in migrant schools are really dissatisfactory, as there is usually no classroom for music, painting and computer, not to mention library or laboratory.Since migrant workers are contributing vastly to the social and economic development of cities, they should be rewarded with deserved rights including impartial education opportunities for their children. Therefore, it is an urgent task to build up an integrated educational system for migrant children. As children are the future of our nation, creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.正如图中所示,一所专门为外来子弟所建的学校相比某重点中学显得十分破旧矮小。这两所学校在地理上非常相近,正好形成了鲜明的反差。图中现象的产生有以下几点原因。第一,城里的公立学校每招收一个民工子弟就要收取几千块钱的赞助费,这远远超出了后者的财力。第二,民工发现在文化上和情感上很难融入城市社会。他们害怕自己的孩子会被城里的孩子看不起、受欺负。所以他们宁可把孩子送到只招收民工子弟的穷学校。但是,这些民工学校的教学条件十分差,没有音乐教室、图画教室和计算机教室,更不用说图书馆和实验室了。民工们为城市的社会和经济发展做出了巨大的贡献,因此他们应该得到应得的权利,包括他们的孩子接受平等教育的机会。因此,为民工子弟建立一个统一的教育制度是一项非常紧急的任务。孩子是一个国家的未来,为他们的成长创造一个良好的环境意味着我们国家将有一个美好和充满希望的未来。闪光词汇及词组:shabby: adj. 破旧的,褴褛的geographical: adj. 地理的sponsor: v. 赞助enrollment: n. 入学capacity: n. 能力integrate: v. 使成整体,融入bully: v. 欺负not to mention: 更不用说impartial: adj. 公平的upbringing: n. 抚养,教育万能句型:There are several reasons for this phenomenon.Therefore, it is an urgent task to(6) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.Almost everybody who lives in the urban areas of China is familiar with the phenomenon shown in this picture. The gate of a school is blocked by dozens of cars that belong to the loving parents who send children there. However, a teacher, who rides bicycle to school, finds difficulty in entering the gate because the cars leave no space for him.This picture sharply points out two serious problems existing in today s educational circle. The first one is parents blind pampering of children. Though it is a universal truth that parents always desire to grant kids with the best stuff available, we should bear in mind that convenient facilities bring temporary comfort but perhaps life-long laziness. The second issue addressed is the depressing social status that teachers enjoy. Despite the fact that teachers take charge of such an honored mission of enlightening humans, they are usually looked down upon and receive small salaries. It is a big contrast compared with their wealthy students.These attitudes of indulging children and disrespect towards teachers should arouse more opposing voices. On the one hand, the society demands a generation that fully comprehends how to lead a self-sustaining life. On the other hand, for teachers priceless contribution, they should be rewarded by due attention and more benefits.每一个住在中国城市地区的人对于这幅图描绘的景象都十分熟悉。学校的大门前挤满了轿车,都是慈爱的父母们来送自己的孩子上学。可是,一个骑车来学校的教师却无法进入校门,因为根本没有空间可以让他进去。这幅图尖锐地指出了存在于教育界的两个问题。第一个是父母对于孩子的盲目溺爱。尽管父母希望把能够得到最好的最好东西都给孩子,我们也应该牢记便利的设施可能带来暂时的舒适、却会造成孩子们的懒惰并导致他们持续一生的坏习惯。另一个问题就是教师的社会地位非常低。尽管教师承担了启蒙人类的光荣使命,但是他们却经常被人看低,而且工资也非常少。这与他们那些富裕的学生们形成了鲜明的对比。这种宠爱孩子和不尊重教师的态度应该引起更多反对的呼声。一方面,社会需要的是一代能够充分理解如何自立生活的孩子。另一方面,教师们为我们做出了无价的贡献,我们应该给予他们更多的关注和利益。闪光词汇及词组:block: v. 妨碍,阻碍educational circle: 教育界temporary: adj. 暂时的depressing: adj. 令人沮丧的take charge of: 负责enlighten: v. 启蒙,教导mission: n. 使命,任务look down upon: 看不起comprehend: v. 理解,领会self-sustaining: adj. 自立的,自谋生活的priceless: adj. 无价的,极其贵重的reward: v. 酬劳,奖赏万能句型:Almost everybody who lives in the urban areas of China is familiar with the phenomenon shown in this picture.This picture sharply points out two serious problems existing inIt is a big contrast compared with(7) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.The drawing depicts a little girl who wears a pair of thick glass. She is forced to stay in this ivory tower which can be explained by the lots of homework in front of her on the desk. Instead of concentrating on study, the poor kid is dreaming of the outdoor sunshine and fields, craving the fun of running wildly outside.Apparently, the artist aims at a serious problem occurring in the educational circle. That is to say, students bear on their shoulders overwhelming homework despite the country s campaign for quality education. Such a practice is very harmful. Firstly, too many assignments can only stimulate hatred towards study among students. Secondly, brain labor takes place of physical exercise, which is detrimental to children s health, particularly their eyesight. Last but not least, students creativity tends to be repressed due to the humdrum and dull homework.In my point of view, homework is an indispensable method to help children study, but it is only part of the whole picture. Children deserve outdoor activities, from which they can benefit enormously. Not only do their bodies get adequate movement, their minds can also be greatly improved by an intimate contact with nature.这幅图刻画了一个戴着厚眼镜的女孩子。她被迫呆在 象牙塔 中,摆在她面前的是一桌的作业。可是她并没有在集中精力学习,而是想着外面的阳光和田野,渴望在野外疯狂地乱跑。很清楚作画者意在指责当今教育界中的一个严重问题。虽然我们国家一直倡导素质教育,但是孩子们肩上的作业负担还是非常沉重。这对于孩子们有很多不利影响,主要是以下几个方面。首先,太多的作业会在学生当中引发一种厌学的情绪。其次,脑力劳动取代了身体上的锻炼,对孩子们的健康非常有害,尤其是他们的视力受到很大损害。最后,学生们的创造力在单调乏味的作业压力下受到极大的压抑。我认为,作业是一种促进孩子们学习的必要方法,但并不是全部的方法。另一方面,孩子们需要进行户外活动,这对他们非常有好处。他们的身体因此得到了充分的运动,同时在与自然的亲密接触中他们的智力也将得到巨大的发展。闪光词汇及词组:ivory tower: 象牙塔outdoor: adj. 户外的,室外的,野外的wild: adj. 野性的,疯狂的overwhelming: adj. 压倒性的,许多的quality education: 素质教育assignment: n. 课外作业eyesight: n. 视力,目力repress: v. 压制humdrum: adj. 单调的intimate: adj. 亲密的万能句型:Apparently, the artist aims at criticizing a serious problem occurring in That is to saybut it is only part of the picture.(8) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.From the picture, we can see that a school sets two different levels of classes and their tuition fee varies greatly between them. The fee for an ordinary class is only 500 yuan while that for a special class amounts to 5000 yuan, which scares students from poor families. We can also perceive that the conditions for the two classes are of discrepancy.Such a phenomenon has begun to emerge in the recent years, that is, schools push forward different teaching programs, leveraging different prices, and the better classes bring considerable profit to schools. Yet, the core value of education is equality, and every student has the right to receive the same quality of education. In reality, the number of key schools in China is limited, while all parents want their children to enroll in programs with better teachers and facilities. Thus, it is convenient for schools to categorize students according to tuition fees.Just as the famous educator Confucius said, there is no class discrimination in education. This mentioned classification rather ruins a normal educational system and hinders its development. Therefore, I think it is high time for the related institutions to take measures and create fair educational opportunities for all children.从这幅图中我们可以看到一所学校设立了不同水平的班级,其学费也相差甚远。一个普通班的学费仅为500元,而一个精品班的学费竟达到了5000元,吓走了来自贫穷家庭的学生们。我们还可以看到两种班级的教学条件也存在巨大的差异。这种现象主要出现在近几年,即学校纷纷推出不同价格的教学计划,那些所谓的精品班给学校带来了丰厚的利润。但是,众所周知,教育的核心价值在于平等,每一个学生都有接受相同质量教育的平等权利。可是在实际生活中,中国的重点学校数量有限,而家长们却都希望自己的孩子能够进入那些有着更好的老师和设施的班级中。因此,学校自然而然地就通过不同的学费来给学生分类。正如著名的教育家孔子所说的,教育是不分阶层的。上述的这种分类有损于一个正常的教育系统并影响其发展。因此,我认为现在是时候通过有关部门采取措施、为所有的孩子们创造平等的接受教育的机会。闪光词汇及词组:vary: v. 改变,变化,变更amount to: 达到scare: v. 惊吓,受惊perceive: v. 感知,感到,认识到push forwards: 推出as is know to all: 众所周知core: n. 核心key school: 重点学校enroll: v. 登记,招收,加入categorize: v. 分类,加以类别Confucius: n. 孔子classification: n. 分类,分级institution: n. 机构万能句型:From the picture, we can see thatWe can also perceive thatSuch a phenomenon has begun to emerge in the recent years, that isTherefore, I think it is high time for the related institutes to take measures


发布时间:2017-12-31 18:19:33一、内涵BBC科学电视节目的制片人和导演约翰 林齐:科学和技术听起来是一个很硬的词,但事实上我们在做节目的时候,脑子所想的不是科学是怎样的严肃,而是我们要给观众讲的是个故事,让观众进入故事中,再顺便告诉观众,这个故事恰好与某个科学领域有关。1、含义科学教育类影视片简称科教片,是指运用影视艺术传播科学文化知识,宣传科学思想、赞扬科学业绩、启发科学精神的影视作品。2、题材广泛,上至天文气象,下至地理地貌,大至宇宙太空,小至细胞细菌,几乎无所不有。二、特点1、严谨的科学性:科学片中含有丰富的科学内容,这些内容严谨,准确,客观,真实,任何虚构的成分都会影响科教片的质量。例如:农业技术题材的科教片2、鲜明的教育性新西兰著名科教片导演朱笛斯 库伦:科教片的目的应该是让观众沉浸在故事中学习新知。例如:《走近科学》栏目3、丰富的艺术性首先值得认可的是科教片是科学性,教育性,艺术性的完美结合。例如:《圆明园》、《复活的军团》、《蓝色星球》等三、历史与现状1、世界历史1928年法国科教片导演让 班勒维的《章鱼》 英国BBC2、中国(科教栏目发展兴盛)例如:《百家讲坛》、《走近科学》、《见证 发现之旅》、《人与自然》、《探索 发现》、《科技之光》四、类型1、科学普及片例如:《保养耕牛》、《万里长城》、《中国武术》等2、技术传授片例如:《淡水养殖》等3、教学片例如:《计算机自动绘图》等4、科学研究片5、科技杂志片


发布时间:2018-09-15 20:58:52一、科学性与教育性相结合原则 规律:传授知识与思想品德教育相统一1.赫尔巴特: 我想不到有任何无教学的教育,正如在相反方面,我不承认有任何无教育的教学。2.文以载道二、理论联系实际原则 规律:间接经验与直接经验相结合1.学以致用2.读万卷书,行万里路3.荀子:见之不若知之,知之不若行之。三、直观性原则1.夸美纽斯: 凡是需要知道的事情,都要通过事物本身来学习,应该尽可能把事物本身或替代他的图像呈现给学生。2.乌申斯基: 儿童是靠形式、颜色、声音和感觉来思维的。3.不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之。闻之不见,虽博必谬。四、量力性原则(可接受性原则)1.语之而不知,虽舍之可也。2.墨子:夫智者必量其力所能至而如从事焉。


不久前,印度政府发布书包重量指南,根据学生年龄设定书包重量的上限,同时禁止小学一年级和二年级的教师布置任何家庭作业,以确保低龄学生不必把书本带回家。2017年,一部印度电影《起跑线》触动印度乃至亚洲多国的父母, 起跑线文化 再次引发热议。影片中,为了不让孩子 输在起跑线 上,父母费尽心力争取优质教育资源,以求通过进入私立学校而获取进入另一个阶层敲门砖的故事,让很多家长看到了自己的影子。起跑线文化 的背后,是对孩子快速成长、成才的苛求。社会竞争日益加剧,越来越多的社会压力最终转移到了孩子身上,让孩子们的负担越来越重。然而每个孩子都是有血有肉的人,教育的目的在于培养人,在于激发和引导孩子的自我发展之路。每个孩子都是独一无二的,自我发展之路有千万条,不可能千篇一律。为孩子成长营造好的社会环境,拓宽孩子成长、成才的道路,才能更好地为他们减负。教育机会和教育质量的均等化,有助于减少竞争焦虑,让孩子们的成长环境更加宽松。不少国家认识到其中的重要性。芬兰议会早在1968年就通过了 不让一个孩子掉队 法案,努力实现 无论你在哪里,都可以接受到相同质量的教育 的目标。信息时代,教育资源有条件被赋予更多的可获得度。覆盖拉美地区农村和边远地区的 学习之光 项目,将教育、能源、信息和通信技术结合,通过太阳能光电池为学校提供绿色清洁的电力资源,让学生能够使用互联网和数字教学设备。印度班加罗尔的远程教育项目,通过融合卫星通信技术与地面通信技术,让互动式虚拟课堂进入农村地区。给孩子们一个宽松的成长环境,还需要树立多层次的成才观。德国确立人才需求多层次的观念,使人才需求分流,让人们在不同的岗位上努力成才。德国每年大概有2/3的青少年进入职业教育体系,涉及350个不同领域。 学徒制 培养出一代代技术过硬、工作严谨的技术人员和工程师,这样的人才不会因为没有从事白领工作而感到遗憾。法国启蒙思想家、教育家卢梭曾说: 大自然希望儿童在成人以前,就要像儿童的样子。如果我们打乱这个次序,我们就会造成一些早熟的果实,它们长得既不丰满也不甜美,而且很快就会腐烂:我们将造成一些年纪轻轻的博士和老态龙钟的儿童。 让儿童更像儿童,需要全社会作出努力,让 起跑线文化 重新起跑。