解放军文职招聘考试China’s New “Four Great Inventions” 中国的新“四大发明”-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

解放军文职招聘考试China’s New “Four Great Inventions” 中国的新“四大发明”发布时间:2017-12-20 22:31:32China s New Four Great Inventions中国的新 四大发明The four great inventions paper making, printing, gunpowder and compass were achievements in ancient China. Are there new four great inventions in modern China? Experts have recently put forward their four new great inventions , wishing real new four great inventions can come into being soon.Wu s Method is selected because it puts new life into traditional Chinese mathematics.Wu Wenjun is the creator of Wu s Method, a computerized method for geometrical theorem proving(几何定理证明). He inherits and carries forward the traditions of China s ancient mathematics, and turns to studies of mechanical proof of geometrical theorems. His study has completely changed look of the field.Yuan Longping s hybrid rice (杂交水稻)is selected because it is regarded as the fifth great invention of China and the second green revolution .Hybrid paddy rice is named oriental magic rice in the West. Yuan s achievement not only solves the food problem for Chinese people, but is regarded as a magic weapon to solve the global food problems.Synthesized crystalline bovine insulin (合成牛胰岛素晶体 ) is selected because it is the first time that humans have synthesized living body.Chinese scientists succeeded in synthesizing crystalline bovine insulin on Sept. 17, 1965, making an important step in the course of understanding life and exploring life s secrets.This is the first time that zoetic(有生命的) protein has been synthesized by humans in history. In the past it was a universal belief that that man could by no means synthesize living body.The land facies oil-forming theory (土地外观石油形成理论) by Li Siguang is selected because it brings oil deficiency in China to an end.The land facies oil-forming theory plays an important role in construction of China s Daqing, Dagang and Shengli oilfields. Before the theory was created, people believed that big oil fields could only be formed in sea facies stratum(地层). This is the reason why Westerners thought China was oil deficient.I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求)To learn a passage about China s New Four Great Inventions and let the students know related information about Chinese modern development in science.ⅡKey Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点)Key points:1) to know what the four new great inventions are2) to grasp some useful words and expressionsinherit, revolution, magic, construction, come into being, bring to an endSpecial difficulties: related information about the four new great inventions in ChinaⅢ Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法)Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approachⅣ Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程)Step1 Lead-in(导入新课)Do you know about the four great inventions in ancient China? What are they?Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读)Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题):1) What are the four new great inventions in China?2) Why is hybrid paddy rice named oriental magic rice in the West?3) Who put forward the land facies oil-forming theory?Keys(参考答案):1) Wu s Method, hybrid rice, Synthesized crystalline bovine insulin and the land facies oil-forming theory2) Yuan s achievement not only solves the food problem for Chinese people, but is regarded as a magic weapon to solve the global food problems.3) Li Siguang.Step3 Careful reading(细读)1. Read the passage again and fill in the form.


发布时间:2017-11-22 18:53:361). 科学管理的主要内容包括:工时研究与标准化,差别计件工资制,职能原理和例外原理等。( )正确答案:对答案解析:泰罗的科学管理的主要内容大致包括工时研究与标准化,差别计件工资制,职能原理和例外原理等。2). 主管人员配备的根据是职务的要求。( )正确答案:对答案解析:因事择人,是指应以所设职位和工作的实际要求为标准,来选拔符合标准的各类人员。选取人的目的在于使其担当一定的职务,并能按照要求从事与该职务相对应的工作。因事择人是实现人事匹配的基本要求,也是组织中人员配备的首要原则。


2016年军队文职人员招聘考试(审计学)全真模拟试题及答案四发布时间:2017-08-20 15:23:521). 监督盘点存货过程中,审计人员采取的措施有( )。A.参与盘点计划制订B.抽查盘点记录C.现场盘点D.验证明细账E.查验存货质量正确答案:ABDE2). 薪酬业务循环审计目标包括证实( )。A.薪酬业务的真实性和完整性B.薪酬业务的合法性C.工资结算的正确性D.工资使用完整性E.账务处理正确性正确答案:ABCE