
发布时间:2018-10-05 17:28:49教育学类(教育学)学习动机理论学习动机是指激发个体进行学习活动、维持已引起的学习活动,并致使行为朝向一定的学习目标的一种内在过程或内部心理状态。学习动机一方面决定着学习的方向和进程,另一方面也影响着学习的效果。可见,学习动机在教育活动中的重要性。因此,对学习动机理论的了解也非常必要。如果考官提出一个问题:学习动机理论有哪些?请选择其中的一种进行详细分析。考生该如何应答呢?学习动机的有关理论包括强化理论、需要层次理论、成就动机理论、成败归因理论、自我效能理论。接下来,我就分析一下成就动机理论。成就动机是个体努力克服障碍、施展才能、力求又快又好地解决某一问题的愿望或趋势。它在人的成就需要的基础上产生,是激励个体乐于从事自己认为重要的或有价值的工作,并力求获得中公的一种内在驱动力。成就动机是人类所独有的,它是后天获得的具有社会意义的动机。在学习活动中,成就动机是一种主要的学习动机。成就动机理论的主要代表人物阿特金森认为,个体的成就动机可以分为两类,一种是力求中公的动机,即人们追求中公和由中公带来的积极情感的倾向性;一种是避免失败的动机,即人们避免失败和由失败带来的消极情感的倾向性。根据这两类动机在个体的动机中所占的强度,可以将个体分为:即为了获得成就,选择有所成就的任务,而概率为50%的任务是他们最有可能选择的,因为这种任务能给他们提供最大的现实挑战。当他们面对完全不可能中公或者稳操胜券的任务时,动机水平反而会下降。避免失败者。避免失败者则倾向于选择非常容易或非常困难的任务,如果中公的机会大约是50%时,他们会回避这项任务。因为选择容易的任务可以保证中公,使自己免遭失败;而选择及其困难的任务,即使失败,也可以找到适当的借口,得到自己和他人的原谅,从而减少失败感。成就动机理论应用于指导学生的学习上要注意以下的条件:(1)要根据学生个人的能力安排学习、工作,并创造一定条件放手让他们去独立完成,以激励他们强烈的成就感。(2)给学生的任务难度要适中。过易不能激发他们完成学习任务的意念;过难则因不能完成任务而使他们心灰意冷。成就需求高的学生,要安排他们去完成难度比较高的学习任务,使之竭尽全力去完成。(3)对学生的进步要有明确的、及时的反馈。例如对他们的工作给予评价。给予一定的奖励。以上的内容供考生在回答类似的问题参考。除此之外,考生要对学习动机理论的产生、发展、影响等内容也要进行归纳概括。

解放军文职招聘考试求职信 Cover Letter of Job Application-解放军文职人员招聘-军队文职考试-红师教育

解放军文职招聘考试求职信 Cover Letter of Job Application发布时间:2017-06-29 11:28:09求职信也是申请信的一种,是写信人就某一职位向收信人提出请求。求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内容:首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你的联系方式。求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。写作 三步走 :自我介绍,说明求职目的 展示个人能力、经历及求职动机 希望面试机会、表示感谢Tips:由于篇幅较短,而申请者需要尽可能地向用人单位推销自己,所以在求职信中宜笼统概说自己的求学和工作经历,突出一至两个吸引眼球的闪光点即可。(1)Directions:You are a graduate student of X University, and you are interested in the position of business manager that is advertised on the newspaper. Write a letter to the company stating the reasons for your application, your qualification for the position, and askingfor an interview.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.Do not write the address.范文:Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the position ofbusiness manager you advertised in yesterday sChina Daily.To briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of Peking University majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this June.Not only have I excellent academicperformance in all courses, I also possess the rich experience ofassistingmanagement staff of several renowned international companies, such as KPMG and Microsoft. My interactive personal skills and teamworkspirit are also appropriate for this post.For further information, please refer to my attached resume.I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li Ming译文:尊敬的先生或女士:我写信希望申请您昨天在《中国日报》上刊登的招聘业务经理的广告。首先请允许我简单介绍一下我自己,我是北京大学工商管理专业的大四学生,将于今年六月份毕业。我不仅学习成绩优秀,而且还有着在国际大公司担任管理人员助手的丰富经历,比如毕马威公司、微软公司等。我的个人交际能力和团队精神也非常适合这个职位。如果你需要进一步的信息,请参考附上的简历。如果你能在方便之时尽早给我安排一次面试,我将不胜感激。您真诚的,李明闪光词汇及词组:business administration: 工商管理renowned: adj. 著名的interactive: adj. 相互的teamwork spirit: 团队精神appropriate: adj. 适当的refer to: 参考attach: v. 附上arrange: v. 安排万能句型:I am writing to apply for the position of you advertised in yesterday sTo briefly introduce myself, I am a gradute student of University majoring in and expect graduation this June.Not only have I excellent academicperformance in all courses, I also possess the rich experience ofMy interactive personal skills and teamworkspirit are also appropriate for this post.I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience.(2)Directions:You have learnt from the university BBS that a famous IT company is recruitinga software programmer intern. Write a letter to the company s HR manager, Mr. Wang, to express your wish of applying for the internship, state your qualifications, and suggest a personal interview.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.Do not write the address.范文:Dear Mr. Wang,I am a computer science major from Peking University, and I am writing in response to your advertisement forrecruitinga software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job.The main reason for my confidence in this position lies inboth my extensiveacademic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industrywhich has further polishedmy abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship.Please find more details in my enclosed resume.Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.Yours sincerely,Li Ming译文:尊敬的王先生:我是北京大学计算机专业的学生,写这封信希望应聘您昨日在我校BBS上招募的计算机编程员实习生职位。我希望我能够得到这份工作。我认为我适合这个职位的信心来源于两点,一是我在计算机编程方面得到了广泛的学术训练,二是我在相关行业的实习经历进一步增强了我在这个领域的能力。此外,我这个学期有很多空余时间,因此可以保证在实习岗位上的时间投入。具体内容请参见我随信附上的简历。感谢您的时间和耐心,如果你能给我一次面试机会将不胜感激。您真诚的,李明闪光词汇及词组:extensive: adj. 广泛的polish: v. 使 更好relevant industry: 相关行业spare time: 空闲时间ensure: v. 保证commitment: n. 许诺enclose: v. 附寄万能句型:I am writing in response to your advertisement forThe main reason for my confidence in this position lies inI have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship.Please find more details in my enclosed resume.Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.