
发布时间:2017-12-30 22:49:36网络谣言Direction:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the harm caused by misleading information online. You are required to write at least150 words but no more than 200 words参考范文:(描述图画)This is a simple but thought-provoking drawing. As we can see in it, a meeting seems to be going on, with several staff members sitting around a table and a laptop in front of each of them. A leader-like man stands there, complaining: We have lots of information technology. We just don t have much useful information.(点明寓意)Simple as the picture is, the message it conveys is profound. Evidently it is meant to reveal the fact that there is too much junk information online. (举例论证)Taking a look around, we can also find examples too many to enumerate. The best illustration that I can recall here and now is the fact that whenever you search for the cure for a disease or a scenic spot to visit, you are flooded by advertisements, many of which are even cheating. (分析影响)Actually, the problem has become so widespread that it has severely affected people s life and hindered the development of society.(提出建议)Of course, we should not give up eating for fear of being choked. Admittedly ,information technology has greatly facilitated our life and work. The best policy, as I see it, is to maximize its advantages and eliminate its unhealthy influence .For one thing, itis imperative that pertinent laws and regulations be worked out and rigidly enforced to punish those spreading cheating ads online. For another, the searching engine websites should make a point of reducing junk information. Only with these measures taken can we expect the solution of the problem.


一、网络协议的概述网络协议指网络协议为计算机网络中进行数据交换而建立的规则、标准或约定的集合。网络有许多互相连接的接点,在这些接点之间要不断的进行数据交换,要做到有序的交换数据,每个接点就必须遵守一些事先约定好的规则,这些规则明确规定了所交换的数据的格式以及相关的同步问题。二、网络协议的三要素1.语义:是解释控制信息每个部分的意义。它规定了需要发出何种控制信息,以及完成的动作与做出什么样的响应。2.语法:是用户数据与控制信息的结构与格式,以及数据出现的顺序。3.时序:是对事件发生顺序的详细说明。也可称为 同步 。二、网络协议的层次结构由于网络节点之间联系的复杂性,在制定协议时,通常把复杂成分分解成一些简单成分,然后再将它们复合起来。最常用的复合技术就是层次方式,网络协议的层次结构如下:1.结构中的每一层都规定有明确的服务及接口标准。2.把用户的应用程序作为最高层。3.除了最高层外,中间的每一层都向上一层提供服务,同时又是下一层的用户。4.把物理通信线路作为最低层,它使用从最高层传送来的参数,是提供服务的基础。