
发布时间:2017-06-24 20:20:12四川大学复试口语最常用问题1:Did you participate in research projects in your field? If you have taken part in projects,please describe briefly.(考查专业词汇。)2:what can you tell me about yourself?(实际就是自我介绍)= please introduce yourself.3:How to cope with mental pressure or psychological burden from study during the days preparing for the first examination?(怎么处理考研复习学习给你带来的压力)4:what is your greatest weakness?(弱点)5:why did you choose our university?6:what was your greatest achievement? How do you feel about it?7:which aspect is your greatest strength?(优点)8:what is your opinion about financial crisis?(你对金融危机的看法)9: what would like to be doing afer graduation?(毕业后的打算)以上9个问题,是四川大学各学院,非外语专业考研口语复试历年来出现频率最高的问题。09年,考研英语口语复试,还出现了一些比较常规的如下6个题目。建议考生都应该记住。1 Self---introduceGood morning /afternoon, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very gald to be here for your interview. my chinese name is which was given me by my parents. symbolizes peace, health and happiness.I also have an English name. my English name is which was given me by my a college English teacher who came from . represents being childish. In my teacher`s eye, I am a child forever.I am 24 years old. I come from city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in university in July this year. Now I am trying my best for obtaining a key to this university.Generally speaking I am a hard working student especially do the thing that I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when I was sophomore, I found web design was very intertesting.So I learnd it very hard. To weaver a homepage for myself ,I stayed with my personal computer half a month.And I am the first one in our class who own his homepage.Furthermore I am a person with perseverance because I firmly believe that persevercance can sometimes equal genius. just like an old proverb goes, there are only two creatures who can mount the pyramids ---the eagle and the snail.During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running everyday no matter what the weather was like. And just owing to this ,I could concentrate on my study and succeed in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, Chinese chess and pingpong. English is also my favorite. So I often go to English corner to practice my oral English and write compositions to improve my written ability, but I know my English is not good enough. so I will continue studying English hardOk, that`s all, thank you for your attention, my god bless you.2 The reason for my choiceI have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, (报考的大学) ***** university as one of the most famous university in our city,It provides people with enough room to get further enrichment .I think this is my first reason.The second one is I am long for doing some research in this universiy throughout my life . It`s a pleasure to be with my favorite scientifical research for my life-time. I suppose this is most important factor in my decision.Thirdly, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize myself vaule. Life is precious, one time for everyone including me. So it is necessary to seize any opportunity for self-development,espcially in the competitive modern world.3 plan in the postgraduateWell, thank you for question, I hope I can form systematic view of 大专业词汇 . As for 专业 , especially 研究方向 , my express wish is to get to complete comprehension of formation and development as well as potential economical value. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.In a word I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for further profession after three yeas study here.4 my familyThere are six members in my family. My grandfather,my parents my sister,my bother and me. My father is a agent of china life assurance limited company. So he often goes out on business.It`s obvious to most of us and people around us that most of housework is done my industrious mom. Both my sister and my brother are doctor in my hometown in order to take care of our big family. Mounting at the weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They also can strengthen our relaxation. During preparing for coming here,my grandfather`s my parents` my sister`s my brother`s love and support have always been my power. So I hope in the future I will able to repay them.5 my hometown ChongQing city(我的家乡)(material source:www.wikipedia.org 你可以登陆此网站查阅全世界每一个角落的英文介绍)I am from a famous city with a long history over 1000 years ---- 城市名字 city. The city lies in southwestern of china and she also is the center of industry and economy in southwestern chinaNow,indeed ,chongqing city is the bigest city in china in terms of area and population.In addition , 城市名字 is a popular destination for travelers with her hilly slopes, night views, rivers ,fog and hotpot. As the matter of fact , owing to rivers and fog, it maybe said without fear of exaggeration that城市名字 is a natural wonder. So it is pleasant to visit the city in any season except in summer. Because you know chongqing is unbearably hot during the summer.In a word , I love my hometown----城市名字 city more than people around me can imagin. I was born in this city and her culture have been having a profound influence on my life as well as my work.(在面试的时候,你的家乡就是你所报考的学校所在地,面试官也不知道你到底来自何方。因为没有方言交流的机会。面试官一般都是本地人,如果你和他们都是老乡,结果自然会朝着你希望的方向发展。)6 my university你的大学名字 is one of the oldest univeristy in provinceIt was founded in 1908 and covers an area of 2500 mu. The building area coves about 1000 mu. It develops into a comprehensive university with the efforts of generations especially after the reform and opening up. It takes lead among the same species universities with nice teaching and scientifical research ability. The labrary has a storage of 1.5 million books. And various research institutes are set up including 32 scientifical research center. There are teaching research experimental base, For example, computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on.备注:红色的部分,以及红色相关的部分,你需要做出相应的调整。然后在初试之后,复试之前,对着大树或者镜子,每天背诵2-3遍。只有这样你在复试口语才会有信心。作为非外语专业的考生,英语水平,尤其是口语水平,考生本人知道,面试官更清楚。所以你放心去准备就是了。祝所有在考研路上考研同胞考研成功,虎年大吉!金榜提名!英语口语面试礼仪注意:1:当老师提问之后,你在回答问题之前,首先必须说,Well, thank you for your question. 表示你这个人有涵养!2:当你回答问题的结束时,你要向老师示意你回答完毕。(OK, that`s over ! thank you)。否则老师会认为你还在思考,而你是在等待下一个问题,你和面试官顿时相顾无言,造成不必要的尴尬。3:所有面试结束后,你应该想面试官表示感谢。Thank you for your time, thank you for your interview. 然后起立,把凳子放回原处,再离开。4:着装整洁,庄重,也是对面试官的最重。应该引起注意。

2020军队文职 新疆文职考试——音乐学科知识记忆方法归纳(三)

红师教育发布2020军队文职 新疆文职考试——音乐学科知识记忆方法归纳(三)在考试中,音乐学科知识很多的一个特点是要求我们背的知识非常繁多,首先一点,要记住这些本身就是有一些难度的,其次有些知识很容易记混淆。所有,我们必须要有适合自己的方法去记忆。希望以下为大家总结的方法能对各位有所帮助。一、数字定桩法现在我们充分发挥我们的想象,将1联想成一棵树;2想象成一只鸭子;3想象成耳朵;4想象成一面红旗;5想象成一个倒挂着的钩子;6想象成一只勺子;7想象成一根拐杖;8想象成一直葫芦;9想象成啤酒,利用谐音;10想象成棒球。那么请你永远的记住这些。将会非常有用。1.贝多芬一共有9部交响曲,我们只要记住4部,但是有很多人总是对应不上名称与作品号,第三交响曲《英雄》、第五交响曲《命运》、第六交响曲《田园》、第九交响曲《合唱》,要记住这些并不难,现在跟着我一起想象吧,3代表耳朵,你的耳朵能够听到英雄的呐喊声吗?他正在为民族的解放而努力;5代表钩子,我们的命运自已总是把握不住的,我们不知道下一秒会发生什么,它就像挂在一只大大的钩子上,我们身不由已;我们用勺子是在干吗?是在吃菜,那么菜是哪里来的呢,对,是田园里种的,那么,第六交响曲就是田园乐;9是啤酒,那么就是喝酒,需要 喝 ,那么利用谐音 合 这样,能联想到 合唱 吗?二、对比记忆1.两个 悲怆 贝多芬的《悲怆》是奏鸣曲;而柴可夫斯基的是交响曲 《第六悲怆交响曲》2.维埃尔琴是小提琴的前身,中世纪是叫做维埃尔琴,到文艺复兴时期叫做维奥尔琴。3.两个 匈牙利 ,勃拉姆斯的是《匈牙利舞曲》、李斯特的是《匈牙利狂想曲》。怎样去区分,我们知道,李斯特是钢琴之王,他是一个比较狂妄的人,那么联想到狂想曲就是他的。4.两个 摇篮曲 ,舒伯特的《摇篮曲》的歌词是 睡吧、睡吧 我亲爱的宝贝 ,勃拉姆斯的《摇篮曲》的歌词是 宝宝睡吧 快睡 外面天黑又风吹三、利用故事去记忆《降D大调 小狗 圆舞曲》《蝴蝶夫人》选段 晴朗的一天 《c小调革命练习曲》《图兰朵》的选段 今夜无人入睡 。希望大家可以对这些方法多加引用,这将会对大家的学习很有帮助。好的方法可以让我们事倍功半,省时省力,比如说口诀法之类的,也希望大家开动脑筋,想出更多的记忆方法。最后,华图教育诚挚祝愿各位考生考试顺利!