
发布时间:2019-04-29 19:17:22第七单元 现代中国的科技、教育与文学艺术现代中国教育的发展一、人民教育的奠基1、1949年底,第一次全国教育工作会议召开,会议决定 以老解放区新教育经验为基础,吸收旧教育有用经验,借助苏联经验 来建立人民教育事业;成功地将半殖民地半封建教育,改变为沿着社会主义方向前进的新中国的人民教育。2、进入全面建设社会主义时期,制定新中国的教育方针,是人民教育面临的首要问题。毛泽东提出: 我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者。 这就确定了全面发展的教育方针。3、在发展全日制学校教育的同时,建立起半工半读的学校教育制度,学生可根据需要选择全日制学习或半工半读。4、结果:逐步形成比较完整的国民教育体系,学前教育、大中小学教育及成人教育初具规模,全日制、半工半读、业余教育共同发展,培养了大批素质较高的劳动后备军和德才兼备的建设人才。二、动乱中的教育1、表现:(1) 文化大革命 开始后,很多师生都被卷入 扫四旧 批走资派活动中,各地大中小学一度停课,教育战线一片混乱。(2)1966年夏,高考制度被废止。(3)70年代初,高等院校开始招收 工农兵学员 ,导致大学教育水平下降。2、结果: 文化大革命 使中国教育事业受到极大破坏,各行各业专门人才缺乏,整个民族文化素质大大下降,中国与发达国家的差距拉大了。


发布时间:2017-12-30 22:51:50学历造假1.现在学历造假现象非常猖獗2.分析这一现象的原因3.如何根除这一现象On Fabricating Academic CredentialsEtymologically, the word credential derives from credit and is related to the moral attribute of credibility. An academic credential reflects a student s academic knowledge and expertise, with which he becomes qualified for performing certain professional responsibilities at certain professional positions. Academic credentials shouldn t be falsified because false credentials are dangerous. For example, a medical graduate with false credentials can kill his patients rather than rescuing them.Currently, fabricating academic credentials is particularly rampant in China, where all recruitments seem to involve credentials. In order to secure the job they want, some job seekers without the required credentials have no alternative but to have them fabricated by professional forgers. While condemning users of fake credentials on both legal and moral grounds, we somehow tend to sympathize with them as they are victimized by a society addicted to the credential mania.A more despicable form of credential fabrication is perpetrated by those already highly successful people businessmen, entrepreneurs, government officials, celebrities in the entertainment industry, etc. They use false credentials not so much to advance their careers as to project their personal image as an icon. This is a greater evil because those fabricators contrive, through fraudulence, to secure our admiration and respect on the spiritual level. A most notorious case is the scandal of TxxJxx, who pretends to be a role model for innocent Chinese youth, with false Ph.D. credential from a non-existent American university.To solve this problem, a combination of measures is necessary. We should evaluate a person by his true caliber, not solely by his credentials. Legally, we should crack down on both the seller and the buyer of false credentials. Finally, we should keep exposing and denouncing fabricators so they can no longer fool us. In this way, our society will become purified and credibility will ultimately prevail.


2020中国人民解放军文职人员招聘考试历史学知识:西周的分封制发布时间:2020-02-25 18:05:31西周的分封制:封建亲戚,以藩屏周。(等级制:贵族、平民与奴隶。宗法制:)目的:巩固对周边的统治。 内容:授民授疆土。 分封对象及受封者的义务:略分封制的作用及影响:加强了周王室与诸侯国的经济、文化联系。密切了西周与周边各少数民族的关系,推动了边远地区的经济开发和文化发展。巩固了国家的统治。