发布时间:2017-06-28 14:34:47Dear Editor,I"m writing to tell you about the discussion we"ve had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination.Opinions are various on the question.Many students are against the idea of retaking classes.They think it unfair for the students who take the exam for the first time.Besides,it also adds the family burden. So many of them suffer mental pressure as well as economic problems.Others think that it can be done because through one more year of hard study, they can make better preparations and may get a chance to enter their ideal universities.Afer all, the kind of university they enter,an important turning point in life, will directly affect their future employment.However, I think, this depends on different situations.If one student has no chance to be admitted to one university, maybe he can choose to retake classes.Yours truly,
发布时间:2019-05-05 13:14:55四、制定周密计划,贵在坚持明日复明日,明日何其多?如果没有一个长远而周密的计划,最终会一无所获。所以,考生复习要有周密的计划,好好利用考前几个月的时间。提前制定一个周密复习计划,整体把握备考全过程,对时间分配、课程分配、复习进度等有一个宏观的把握,尽量做到周密、实用、。注意要一心投入复习计划中,千万不要 欠账 ,绝对不要拖到 明天 。学习的过程都是单调而苦闷的,需要反复的记忆和巩固,这个过程贵在坚持。在这个过程中,考生要坚持以下原则:1.要积极主动,心态是积极的,行动是主动的。2.要以终为始,目标为通过考试,其他都应为此目标让路,向前推每一个能实现目标该做的事情。3.先易后难,分解疑点、难点,各个击破。4.要相信 有方法,但没有捷径 ,多看、多做、多总结。